Murray Lincoln's Desk - # 2 Now See -

Friday, August 31, 2007

Very Few People Die Anymore

I have been aware of this obvious fact that has been inserted into our society – but have not said much about it. It has been starring me in the face so often and yet I have said nothing. Now MacLean’s magazine – September 3, 2007 – has pointed out the obvious…few people die anymore…

Most people just disappear. At least that is what their obituary declares. The article in MacLean’s states “At the most, people simply disappear "suddenly" or "peacefully" or "courageously" or "quietly" or "unexpectedly." Of the 24 departed ones who "slipped" or "passed" away on a recent Tuesday in July in the columns of the Globe and Mail, apparently only four actually "died."”

I picked up a Globe and Mail newspaper yesterday, August 30, 2007, and sure enough… there was the evidence – 2 out of 23 experienced ‘death’ – 21 people just didn’t die. The odds were better in the August 30th paper – less people died. Most were very peaceful… but the family knew they died.

The other notable and evident thing is that Obituaries are placed under advertisements in the newspaper. They are not an event – yet in the family’s life it is a big event. Their entire world will never be the same – the sorrow that replaces the laughter is too difficult to talk about. So we don’t – and the funeral homes help us to write something to let everyone know what we are going through. Many times now the family themselves have written the classic that is placed on the Obituaries page of the newspaper – which we pay dearly for….

As a Christian Pastor I lead/conduct funerals often. In the last one month’s period of time I officiated at 5 funerals. In this role I am encouraging the family that this is not the end – we will see the loved one that passed suddenly from this life to the next. My emphasis is a theological one – it is what I know and preach based on the Bible. As Christians we pass from this life into Paradise – the first place we actually meet Jesus. Then there is a resting period of time, until the last Trumpet call(The Rapture), we remain there. At the last Trumpet call, we come from Paradise to meet with Jesus and all the people that are still alive at that time.

Wikipedia classifies this teaching of the ‘Rapture’ under “Conservative Christian eschatology”. It is what I believe and ‘know’ after these years of study and observing.

But for sure – it has not taken away from the very great reality – the person has died. They are dead.

Now to try to understand how it has all changed so much you must realize that the “non Conservative Christian eschatology” has adopted some of what we preach – the first part. They talk of Paradise and Heaven, a better place, a peaceful state, away from this life, and so on. They just can’t really accept another part – the bad part. That bad part is the death and the fact that they are not too sure of where the loved actually is now. When they have adamantly believed in nothing – nothing is pretty much where the person may go to. But it is easier to wrap some nice words around the horrible sadness – because it just plain hurts too much.

Out of all the funerals that I have officiated at 99.9% of the people have gone to Heaven or are on their way – through the Paradise stage. No one, and I mean no one, will stand up and say – this guy went to Hell. He was a jerk and lived like hell and now is in Hell. No one wants to say that part. In fact everyone talks about Heaven – and only Heaven.

But before I digress too far in that rant – I come back to the fact that we deal with death and dieing in ways to protect ourselves and our deep emotions. On the way, we have developed this method of not using certain words that drive home the pain deeply.

As I stand beside the bed of the dieing person, they often look up and say, “Murray, I know I am dieing…but my kids won’t let me say that.” One of the deeply moving experiences that I have had involved a senior man that said to me from the chair beside his bed in palliative care, “Murray, I will be dead soon, I can feel it happening now… I wish that my family could understand…I’m okay with it… soon I will be in Paradise with Jesus. My wife can’t accept that fact that I am dieing.”

No one wants to accept that they are experiencing death – either personally or with some one close to them. We avoid it like a plague. But it is coming. We do everything possible to prepare for it but will not talk about it. We buy life insurance but never want to talk about death. Our home mortgages are insured just in case “something happens to us” – just in case we die! We pick out and pay for grave plots but never want to talk about using them.

I am making a bold statement here… I AM DIEING… I have been dieing for a number of years. I will be dead soon… I am just not sure how soon or how it will happen. The sudden stop at the end of this life… the moment that my heart quits its last beat… has not been determined yet. But it is coming… and I WILL BE DEAD.

There that feels much better to have admitted a reality.

Now – do I want to die? No – no not yet. There are about 1000 reasons in my garage of unfinished projects and “hope to be done someday” kind of ideas that I have on the go right now. But that hasn’t changed the realities. I will go to my grave some day soon… a lot sooner than it was when I was 23. I am now 63.

To prepare my way and make the ideas come closer to home… I have made my own head stone for my imaginary grave(at this point imaginary). It is made of wood and is lettered completely – except for the one final line – The month, the day and the final year. You can see the photo to show you what I mean.

Want to have some “fun” today? Try writing your own Obituary. Try to be honest. Then see if the newspaper would publish it – if it was honest. “Murray, are you nuts?” That is not “fun”!

Whoa! Stop – just a moment – haven't you seen the word “fun” – in “funeral”?

Hey – let the record show – I am going to die. Now deal with it. That feels so much better.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Source and Resource
MacLean’s article “The way we mourn”
Rapture explanation -

1 Corinthians 15 - New International Version - verse 50 - 57
I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."

"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Can't Believe I Missed IT ?

I yawned and stretched. Then I climbed out of bed to begin another day. It was dark outside. Everything was still asleep outside. Everyone was still asleep inside – at least in our city.

I began my early morning reading and writing –waiting for the Sun to meet me as it would peek over the eastern horizon. It was a good morning.

Later in the morning I was asked a question that kind of knocked me off guard. The words were so simple…. “Did you see the Eclipse this morning?” My reply was, “What Eclipse – I didn’t even know there know there was one!?” I felt I had cheated myself out of something that should have been mine.

I had risen from my bed exactly when it was happening. It was dark outside in our backyard – which is to the west of our home. Then as I waited for the Sun to show in the east… it had been playing with the moon way over on the other side of house. AND I MISSED IT!

Now you have to understand that I am the kind of guy that stays up late to see this kind of thing – even if there are clouds – just so I can say that I saw it. I will stop everything and wait for the site to appear in front of me.

BUT I MISSED IT ! Go figure and it was a good one too.

So I settled with some Internet Searches and looked at other people’s shots from around the world… which I am featuring here in this Blog.

I am not sure that you have ever missed something. It has happened to me often I am afraid. Because I was busy or maybe because I was distracted because of my own desires and direction – I miss things happening around me. Just simply miss them. The world has gone on without me.

Flash Back…
In 1967 Alida and I were married. In early 1968 we moved to Fredericton, New Brunswick to live. We found our housing on a small road to the west of Fredericton – on the north shore of the St. John River – a few miles from the city’s boundary.

The house was at least a 100 years old and it was situated on the front edge of a large apple orchard. The orchard was a good one and produced some wonderful apples – tons of apples in fact. The rear of the apple orchard extended up the ridge north of the property – to the north. Then a pine tree line began and went forever behind the apple farm. You could fish for salmon right across the road from the house and pick "fiddle heads" at the river's edge.

‘Verda’ was the owner of the apple orchard and the wonderful old house. She rented the place to us with one stipulation that she was able to rent her own room back from us. She then became our guest in her own home. Our rent was already low and her payment back to us lowered the costs even more. Not only that – but we got along well. Verda was like family.

Times were tough for Verda. Her husband had left her with bills and huge home – plus the apple orchard.

One mealtime Verda announced that she had decided to sell the apple orchard and the property. She was being forced to in that she couldn’t carry on this way any longer financially.

She asked us if we would like to buy the place. It was only $54,000. The price included four great orchards with all kinds of apple trees. It had more than 100 acres of land with that price. The old house and the other apple buildings were all part of the deal plus a gigantic apple barn that was well insulated.

There was no way that I felt anything about buying the place. We were too busy with life looking at the job that I had and the future wealth that it offered. After all I was being paid a whopping $150 per week. The raise that I had just received had brought me up from $54.00 per week. I was so wealthy and had a wonderful future as a Computer Technician – I had my whole life ahead of me… nothing would stop us from making it big time.

We wished Verda well and moved to the north part of Fredericton to some brand new apartments. We rented an apartment here for a little more than we were paying at Verda – and we were by ourselves. We ate alone.

Many years later…
It would be in 1985 when I next returned to Fredericton as a minister. I was traveling across Canada by automobile. As we drove into Fredericton along the south shore of the St. John River it was like coming home again. It had been almost 17 years since I was last on that road. I looked across the river and my eyes caught the scene on the north shore. When we lived there I had done same many times. There was the old house sitting on the river edge. It was looking as stately as ever. But something had changed. The apple orchard was not longer there – but instead there were dozens of new and very large houses with streets and all that was needed to build a whole new community.

The $54,000 opportunity that I had turned down was gone. Each house is likely worth more that $200,000+ today – or much more!

I can’t believe that I missed it! Do you know what I might be worth today if I had owned that $54,000 property today?

I hate to think of what looking the other way cost me over these years.

To rub it in today I checked the site on Google Earth. Take a look at 45 Degrees59’05.53 N and 66Degrees46’02.82 W. at an elevation of 9m. Take a look from an eye elevation of 543 m above the ground. At that exact spot on earth where the little hand of Google Earth rests is the old farm house we lived in. Now take a look at the houses that are built all over the old apple orchard… all the way to the trees north of it. (Small photo included here…)

I won’t let that happen again…
Instead of being rich with money – God has given me people… lots of them.

Yesterday I met with a new widower. As I listened to him share how his day was going I felt deeply for him. He had just cleaned out his wife’s clothing – 12 large bags full ready for good will. He needed to talk.

During the day I met with another older man that is in palliative care now. He was lying quietly on his bed. I listened as his weak voice told me some scattered stories that tailed off like wisps of clouds. After I prayed for him he smiled.

Later I met with an old friend that shared some amazing things that made my heart leap inside of me and I felt young again.

When I looked at the Google Earth Images today… there is about $4 Million worth of houses on the property today – that I could have bought for $54,000

But I have come to realize that each life I am with each day may be worth more than $500,000. Yesterday I was given more than 10 Million that was there just for me.

I am so very rich in another way… I have people that surround me. Some are hurting and others are filled with life – lots of life.

Today my intention is to fill each hour with new discoveries and people that need help. It certainly won’t be hard to do that.

I will not miss anymore of the opportunities around me…. God help me to keep that promise.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Resources - Lunar Stuff

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Secret of Creating

It seems so simple. I look at the block of wood and see something inside of it. In this case I see a chain. Then the process is very simple from that point on. I take away what isn’t a chain and leave what is a chain – then I have a chain. And it was all inside of the block of wood.

In the photo you can see the recent finished carving that came from one piece of wood.

I am a wood carver. I love wood and all that is in it. As long as I have my fingers and hands working I must carve. The desire is big inside of me and just itches to get out. I must create.

The chain is like a person’s life. Each one is different and each one unique. Each has been crafted from one piece of wood. The carver, God in this case, looked at the starting piece and saw great potential inside of the block(each life). Then he began taking away all of the things that were not so good and left the things that should be there – the good. And when he is done each life will be what it should be.

God is the greatest carver. He specializes in making stuff better.

When I carve, my wife will always know what I have been doing. I come in from the garage and there is a trail of wood chips behind me. There will be lots of chips and saw dust as I finish the latest piece. The chains were especially like this – lots of pieces of wood come off the original in order to achieve the final product.

I noticed when I am sanding the block of wood to get the final finish there is heat produced. The friction of the sandpaper on the wood produces heat.

Wow – that is a lot like my own life too. When some of the not so good stuff starts showing up, it can get hot around me. When the problems around me produce a reaction in me… I start seeing again the need to get rid of some old attitudes and make right the wrong. Lots of chips can be produced.

It is then that I notice that God is at work in me. He has applied a little pressure here and then over there. His pressure is like sandpaper. As His big hand moves over my being he takes away what needs to be taken away – and leaves what should be left. He knows exactly what to do to produce a much better product.

The illustration breaks down in this way. The wood is always subject to my desires, wishes and plans for it. It lays in my left hand while the right hand applies the tools to it.
My life is different. It isn’t completely like the wood. I have control over it and can remove it from any kind of influence that I wish to. If I don’t want God touching it anymore – then I simply say “I am outta here!”

I have seen that take place all too often. Just when God starts to get into that special area of a life – a choice is made to do it their own way – and the ‘God work’ stops dead. More often than not the individual that makes that choice also makes a choice to allow other things to take God place. That is when the real mess up takes place – and everything goes real bad.

Personally – a long time ago I ran away from what God was doing with me. He had a wonderful plan for my life but I told him that I wanted nothing to do with that ‘religious stuff’. “I wanted outta there…” as fast as I could make it.

I ran right into some really messy situations and almost lost all of the greatest blessings that I would ever know.

At one point I stopped running, started listening and then decided to build a relationship with the one that cared the most about me. His name is God. Today he is my best friend. He sticks with me through thick and thin. The relationship is growing each day.

Some day I will be moving out of this old body of mine. The number of funerals that I have done this summer has reminded me again that my turn will come soon enough.

I fully expect that the work that he began in me so many years ago will just about be done. My attitudes will have changed some more. My likes and dislikes will come into his order and I will know him much better. That way the culture shock of leaving this world and entering the next will not be that great.

God is kind that way towards me – he is spending lots of time with me – getting me ready.

How is your walk with God today? Have you realized that He has his best waiting and ready for you? He is the greatest craftsman ever. After all he made you – and you are the best!

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Trust Factor

The first time that I had an encounter with a Newspaper Person was in the mid 1970s. At the time I was the Minister of the Walkerton Pentecostal Church, Walkerton, Ontario. The encounter was not good. The man totally misquoted me and placed all that he thought I said on the front page of his Newspaper.

Have you ever experienced something like that?

The person that you have been dealing with has suddenly done something that puts your relationship at risk of ever going further. I am sure that all of us have had that happen.

In this world of 2007 it seems to be even more common. People have trouble with trust in ways that we cannot imagine. Things that we grew up with are now not even attempted because of fear and a lack of trust.

For example – kids cannot run and play just anywhere in the community now. There is little trust for unknown neighbours. Some one just might abduct our kids. The kid’s world has shrunk to the very small space in front of a ‘safe TV’. But then we can’t even ‘Trust’ what might come over the TV. The world has changed for sure.

Husbands don’t rust wives – and wives certainly can’t trust husbands. After all have you watched Jerry Springer’s show lately? Yikes – and double Yikes!! Our world is flooded with horrific stories. In fact most TV programs that I have seen over the past two weeks of sampling have presented shows where Trust has always been an issue.

If we are honest Trust may be the biggest issue that we will ever face.

The American money states, “ In God We Trust”. Quaint idea in 2007. But who is God and where is He when they(we) need Him? It seems when the crunch is on they have a problem really making that statement one that they can appropriate and take it home. When something goes wrong they will blame Him for what happened… but never Trust Him before the problems come.

‘Non-Trust’ is a virus today. It is killing us and our society. It eats at our community groups and its very core.

The only way that I know that an inoculation against ‘Non-Trust’ virus can be presented is through “relationship building”. Get to know someone and who they are, what they are about and what their likes and dislikes are all about… and the “Non-Trust” slips away.

The flip side to this thought is the one that discovers that Trust may never be possible after a major failure.

Take for instance a husband that cheats on his wife. When she discovers that he has been unfaithful – “Trust” will be very thin for a long time.

Have an employee dip into the cash register and steal some money. The “Trust” will be gone for that one. There will always be a cloud hanging over their heads. They have done wrong and no one will forget.

Inside the ‘failed person’ is a load of memories that will never seem to leave. I see this with men that come from prison. They cannot believe in themselves because others will not “Trust” them.

‘Relationship Building’ involves two dynamics – Support and Accountability. A true friendship offers Support for what the other is doing. Then it is topped up by Accountability when they meet again. This happens when some one cares enough to ask how we did with a project or problem. All of us have seen that happen.

As I have been dealing with the ‘Trust’ issues that some of my acquaintances are dealing with… I have had to look at my own issues as well. I encouraged someone to make a list of all the people that they don’t Trust. Then I have begun working on one of my own. Wow, what a revelation that has been.

Now with the list…
I have noticed that everyone on the list has different degrees, in my mind, of Trust issues. With some thought I realized that I could relieve the Trust issues if I knew them better. With some effort I could do something about the Trust by simply saying “Hello”. Some things could be changed if I could meet the person. Others I have realized that it is better to place a safe distance between us in our relationship – they are plain dangerous and could infect me with more distrust.

I have begun working on the list that I made. It is amazing how some things are changing. People that I doubted are now friends. People that offered perceived threats are now colleagues.

Have you ever made a list and then rated the Trust Factor in your life?

Still working on it…

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Building, Banking or Burning Trust

I have witnessed this following scene happening many times this year already.

The young bride stands at the altar of the church with her handsome young groom. Her bouquet is trembling as tears run down her face. He is uncomfortable in his rented suit but he has a big grin on his face as he is standing beside her. They are getting married today. Wow! Who would have believed this would happen to them?

Both are in their mid twenties and both are making a huge change in their lives – moving from the independent and very much single life to one of interdependency on each other. From this moment on they are making a commitment that is stating to all of their guests present that they will trust each other forever. Wow what a statement to make in a world that quakes because of non-trust.

In recent days I have officiated at a number of funerals where the departure of a spouse has taken place. At all the funerals there was reference to the days of old when the couple was young and vibrant. There were accounts given of the marriage they had lived and loved through. In two the instances the couples were married for more than 53 years. That is more than 19,345 days – or 464,280 hours – or 27,856,800 minutes – and finally 1,671,408,000 seconds of life together.

This September 9th Alida and I will celebrate our 1,261,440,000 seconds together at 10:30 AM. Or to put it another way for 1,261,440,000 seconds we have trusted each other with everything. For that long we have loved each other continually. For me that is worth a dollar for every second. We are rich – really, really, really filthy rich. Our relational bank account is filled with TRUST.

We, however, are dinosaurs in our world of 2007. We will be like the people I am conducting funerals for these days. Married to the end and filled with many billions of memories. But we are dinosaurs because we are so different from the world around us.

Time magazine for this next week has a photo of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Princess of everyone’s heart. The headline is “Why Diana Mattered”, A subtitle gives “Plus: Prince Charles’ predicament”. It has been 10 years since she passed away in the horrific automobile crash on that fateful night in a Paris tunnel.

From a fairy tale wedding, that almost everyone witnessed, through to a nightmare marriage that most would discover later. Even though they may have been among some of the wealthiest people in the world they were tragically broke in their Bank of Trust. It would only become a world wide story after the long and agonizing funeral days.

Prince Charlie was a jerk and had been cheating on her regularly throughout their marriage with our next possible “Queen-to-be” – a possible “Consort” I think they have worded the position to be. But Diana on the other hand was in a car racing from the horrible paparazzi while she was with her new boy friend, lover, speculated husband to be. Talk about Tabloid Trash – Wow!

Few people I know would trust either of them as a marriage partner. Banking Trust with this class of people would not be possible.

Lest you think that I am bashing Royalty I have to state here bluntly – I am not. I am observing a dearth of Trust. The British Common Wealth and the British People trusted their king or queen. Now they try to trust their King or Queen. It is odd to say the least.

Now skip across our Canadian – USA Border and take a look at the USA President (Their King for a Season) – President George W. Bush. Then cut to any community and ask the question how many people Trust him? It is far less than when they elected him to this ultimate high office that is just under God Himself. The comedy is that a whole line up Presidential Wannabeees are strutting their stuff to try to get elected in their next biggie.

The question is in America – “Who do you trust the least among this present line up of ‘amazing’ people?” Then when you pick that least trusted you can choose the second least trusted and move up to the next least trusted higher up the ladder. When in fact you(or they) don’t trust any of the ‘amazing’ people.

Oops – don’t forget Canada. Have you looked at the recent slate of ‘Canadian Amazing’ people. Which politician in our country do you trust the least and then move up the ladder of least trust worthy to select our number one… who is left is the one that we may have least amount of trusting the least. Confusing aint it? – but that is why so many will not even vote because ‘they all are a bunch of jerks that you can’t Trust’.

Now for a pastor to call politicians and kings and queens jerks – is off the wall. All I am doing is telling it like it is… Stephen Harper is placed along with the rest in most people’s mindset. This week as he met with the US President along with the Mexican President – hundreds of people screamed their lack of Trust. And nobody Trusted the angry protestors outside the compound of the high level meetings. RCMP Officers were everywhere – likely even walking among the protestors with video cameras poised.

You and I live in a world of non-trust.

Come back to the wedding… and the young Bride and Groom…
Here they stand in their elegance and finery. Getting married – saying the “I dos..” and the “I wills…” Promising to stay committed until death separates them.

Well behind the scenes – I can tell the rest of the story. Like many other couples that I have performed the marriage for they have had their struggles. They both have dated and re-dated many people – people that they couldn’t trust. In some cases they have let their morality slip a whole lot. Now they stand in front of their guests and say “This is it – he or she is the only one for me – from now on! I trust this one the most!” Okay….

Out of the marriages that I have performed over the past five years about half are not together any longer. They couldn’t trust each other any more. In some cases they found someone that they could trust more than the one that they married.
Now – what about their kids? Do you think that they will Trust well? Do you imagine with me a great and “Trustworthiness” from their lives in years to come?

Read the rest of the story about Princess Diana’s and Prince Charles’ lineage and…..

If Only…
I am a dinosaur for sure. I believe that a day may come when we may build Trust back again – into every area of our life.

I believe that we can rebuild Trust. I believe that we can start again and make it right this time. If only we can put the tuff stuff of the past away – we can survive and rebuild.

There was a time when the Children of Israel were completely broken. No one trusted anyone. Their sin had been great and the enemy had taken everything from them. Their precious city was completely in ruin. A guy by the name of Nehemiah came on the scene and people trusted him… then began to trust each other… then they began to trust God. The city was rebuilt and their world cam back together again. There was Trust in their whole world.

If only… we could catch a bit of Nehemiah’s spirit and times… If only.

Finally… Today you will either Build, Bank or Burn Trust. You have a choice. What will you do with these next 24 hours?

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Check out Nehemiah’s story here….

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Sadness of Long Ago

With all the reports of War and what is happening in the middle east – our imagination and political fervor has been lit again and again. Even in quiet Peterborough there is rumbling about the young men and women that have been injured in the battles of this present decade… since 9-11.

I don’t think a lot about war… but I think about the families that have been deeply hurt when their son or daughter return to our country injured or even dead. The pain that they feel is greater than any of us have ever imagined.

But our small community has had this happen many times before. And I have discovered that this was closer to me than I could imagine. I would like to take you on a short tour of emotions.

In the Center of our City…
As I walked through the small park across from the City Hall there is a memorial. In the park is a large War Memorial which is situated on a former ancient grave yard. In our community we have had some considerable debate about further construction of another memorial to fallen vets over the years.

To the far north end of the park stands a monument in memory of a fallen soldier from 1885. Most of our residents have never stopped to read what is on the plaque mounted on this piece of old memory.

The words on the bronze plaque read, “A tribute to the Canadian volunteers and to the memory of Capt. Edward T. Brown, of Boulton’s Scouts, a native of this county who fell at Batoche on May 12th, 1885”.

Noting the wording that the men were “Canadian volunteers” was special. They fought in ‘Canada’ against others that were born here… but had declared themselves to be in rebellion to Canada’s way of oppressing the Metis People. The main figure was Louis Riel who was a popular politician of his day.

My roots were in Saskatchewan and my upbringing was prairie all the way. But in the upbringing I also studied our prairie history. At one point I was taken to the site of the Duck Lake Massacre and I had the opportunity to stand where the Battle of Batoche took place. I knew the conflict of the past and what had happened in my home province. It was part of who I am.

I just didn’t know the other part of the story. Here is this non-descript way was an answer to some of the horror of 1885 for one family. Their son had fought in a war that they knew nothing about.

Capt Edward Brown had joined a group of men that were then sent as soldiers to quell an uprising in a very foreign place that would eventually be called Saskatchewan. The people that they were to fight were well experienced in fighting in their own land. They knew their country well. The Boulton Scouts were not prepared at all and it would soon be seen. In the total battle, 1600+ miles from their home in lush Ontario, over 100 men died in a horrible fight.

As I reviewed their names on a web page I realized that I know many of their families that live in our community now. Some of the names were actually part of our church over these past few years.

These young men had fought people from my home province and many had died far, far from home.

I became a resident of Peterborough in the summer of 1998.

In 2001 the Bell of Batoche was stolen from the Canadian Legion in Millbrook, Ontario – a small village a few miles from Peterborough. This Bell of Batoche was stolen from the small church in the Metis community of Batoche, in to be Saskatchewan, in 1885, and had remained as a trophy of that battle where so many of the local families had lost loved ones. It had served to tell the world of the innocent young men from Ontario that had fallen in this battle. But it also remained as a trophy (stolen trophy) of all the warriors of the Metis that had fallen as well from the gun shots of the Canadian soldiers while defending their land.

The Metis leaders admitted to having stolen the Bell from the Legion and had promised to show it at a Metis celebration in the past few years. To my knowledge that has yet to happen.

One hundred and twenty three years later the war is still being remembered.

As I stood in front of the large memorial and read of Capt. Edward Brown my emotions were stirred deeply. People still remember and still hate each other. How sad that is.

When the recent events of Canadian Aboriginal People carried out their day to make Canada aware of their plight… then things got out of hand… it was another sad day for all of us. People still hate each other…deeply and it shows so easily.

Today can be different…
In speaking with two individuals this past week in our community on two different occasions I heard of the same kind of anger. These two people are supposed to be “Christian”. They described how someone had said or done something to them and how they had reacted to what had happened. Both of these “Christians” had stated flatly that they had stood up for what they should stand up for. They hated the other person that “..had wronged them…” and had then pledged to never talk to the “offender” again. They had been busy meting out their form of judgment.

I mean – if the USA can do this kind of thing with their ability and strength – having good reason to do so… then why shouldn’t I be able to inflict damage on someone that harms my person or character?

I have to stand up and say that “Today can be different…” if we make some different choices.

However as I listen and read… I see that not much is changed and the sadness of long ago is ripped wide open again… and we feel it is okay to hate.

Did you know that is not God’s way? He has a different way that is rooted in a love that is very hard to describe… but must be felt. Even the worst kind can be forgiven… even the very worst kind…!

How do you feel about this? Are you ready to let the hatred go and let God into the situation? I am… I really am….

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~
Louis Riel
List of the names that died with Capt. Edward Brown
Batoche Bell controversy -
Battle of Fish Creek
A Google search of Battle of Batoche – produces 18,500 responses…
1885 Photos of Batoche - perhaps the first time Photos were taken of any battle field...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Family Needs Our Help

The following reports came my way this past week…. Please read them to understand what I am asking….

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sunday, August 12th - 7:45pm
About an hour ago I received a call requesting urgent prayer for Rev. Rick Hilsden.

This morning he suffered a medium grade heart attack just prior to the morning service at "The Park" (Sherwood Park Pentecostal Church) in Edmonton. Doctors have been attending to him throughout the day but have not been able to bring his blood pressure up to acceptable levels.

Judy met with the doctors just moments ago and they have informed her that they will keep Rick under observation for the next 4 hours. If his bp does not improve, they will consider other options (possible surgery).

We will continue to forward updates as they are available.

We just had special prayer for Pastor Rick at the closing Youth Camp service at Lakeshore, where hundreds of students called on God. We need to join our faith with theirs and believe together for God to do a healing miracle.

(Rev. Craig Burton, District Superintendent, Eastern Ontario District)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Monday, August 13th - 2:45pm
We are passing along this update from The Park Church broadcast email.
Sunday morning at 10:00 am Pastor Rick experienced what turned out to be a medium grade heart attack. Following the service in which he introduced the pastoral team, preached and participated in the post-service luncheon and he went home from where he was taken by ambulance to the University of Alberta hospital at 2:30PM where he was admitted. Monday morning he was given an angioplast procedure to remove a blockage that was impacting his blood pressure. He will be in the intensive care ward following the procedure.

Please pray for a miraculous recovery, wisdom for the doctors and strength for Pastor Judy, Dion and Rich who was able to fly to be with his father during this medical emergency.

The family deeply appreciates you partnership in prayer on their behalf and request that you would not visit until this crises zone is passed.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dear EOD Family
Thursday, August 16 - 9:00 am
Early this morning (3:00 a.m. Edmonton time) Rick suffered an "acute stroke". Hudson has spoken with the doctors and is flying to be with his family. The situation is very serious. Please make your prayerful support a priority today.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dear Friends,
Friday, August 17th -10:30am
Hudson Hilsden called this morning from Edmonton to request continued prayerful support for Rick. The Doctor has confirmed that Rick has suffered a major stroke and is partially paralyzed.

The situation is very serious.

Sunday mornings service at The Park (Sherwood Park Pentecostal Church) will be dedicated to special prayer for Rick. It would be most appropriate for our Eastern Ontario District churches to join with them in a time of intercession.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From Me....
Through this series of emails I have learned that my fellow minister is in a very critical condition at this time. His wife and children are beside him now. They need our support. These are very heavy times for them.

Rick is 48 years old.

Thanks for praying… and if you don’t pray… just for thinking about the family today.

I know that if any one of us were in this situation now… having others support us and encourage would be priceless. Thank you so much for doing so.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My Computer and Me

My computer…
The first sign there was trouble happened when my computer froze. The screen was still there with all the photos that I was working on and the program that held all the photos was showing. The mouse had stopped working and the keyboard would not make anything happen either. I tried a “Ctrl, Alt, Del” trying to force the machine to respond. Normally that would make the computer tell me what was taking place – offering me the list of programs that should be running – and/or – not running. But nothing was going to make that happen either. My little laptop that had served so well was frozen solid – not from cold but from over use.

It was not yet totally dead – but getting close. It was more like a “computer tiredness”. It had worked so hard and done so much that its little memory was just plugged full. In distress it was crying in front of me… “I have had ENOUGH… please no more!!! Pleeeease!!!?” No, you couldn’t see any tears or hear anything. The only reaction was silence.

I shut it off manually by holding the button. Even that took some extra time. Then it was still. I waited for a little while hoping the pause would help.

It did. When I booted the laptop again it sprung to life. The screen looked normal and the sounds that should be coming from its little speakers did so. I think I saw it smile.

I attempted to open the same photo handling program and a new white, warning window popped up… saying something about the fact that the computer was too full and it needed to have many or some of the programs removed before it could do any more. Okay… now I understand. All it had to do was tell me. Yet instead of telling me it simply broke down and locked up – not letting me go any further.

To help you computer friendly people understand… I had been working on already large photos that I had uploaded to my machine. As I worked more and more on each one I had increased their size with more and better special effects. Right under my finger tips I had created many hundreds of more Megabytes of size for each photo – until the maximum was reached. There was no more room. The little computer was simply stressed out and had to unload a few things…but it could not do that alone… or even tell me.

In the end of this small crisis I was able to store many Megabytes on a storage device for photos and by doing that I relieved the stressors for this little friend of mine.

To be honest I had noticed that many of the programs had been slower over the days before the final freezing. Now it is somewhat better and working much more close to normal.

And Me…
It was about the same time as my laptop freezing up that I froze up as well. I was doing a huge series of heavy things mentally and spiritually. At the end of a 10 day stretch I was moving much slower and not doing real well. I didn’t even see it coming. Then I crashed – locked up – froze – just like my laptop. I had done too much and too much had been passed my way. It was over… and I was done.

I wanted to cry and even scream… but nothing would come out. I just sat there with no desires and no ability to go further. I was like my little laptop computer. I couldn’t even tell anyone what was wrong. So someone had to shut me off.

Many have asked me why this Blogspot isn’t updated at times. They have wondered if something was wrong. I usually mumbled, “No I was just too busy…” I wanted to write and wanted to post… but I was locked up way down inside.

This past week was another one of those spells where my system shut down. In a 10 period of time I had prepared two sermons and worked on another three. Lots of thinking… lots of reading… lots of meditation. Then in the same period of time I conducted FOUR FUNERALS. It was at the end of the fourth funeral that my screen froze up. I couldn’t do another thing. I was mumbling and even felt a little numb. The though of another sermon and having to deliver it this coming Sunday was almost more than I could imagine. ENOUGH… enough “Megabytes” of mind stuff… ENOUGH!

So I did the same as my little laptop computer… I locked up…shut off… and waited. Then I realized that it was time to unload and whole lot of stuff to gain back the equilibrium that was so desperately needed.

Leading funerals is heavy. Finding your own brokenness and then suppressing it is professional but stupid. Doing that four times in 10 days is impossible. I was grieving with each and every family member… four times over.

I remember when my own dad had passed away that it took me weeks before some of the feelings that were normal came back to me… now it was as if it was happening four times as much. No wonder my own computer slowed and then finally froze up.

The Answer…
Rest…and do nothing…

I stayed away… for three days straight… from everything.

Now the days are more normal feeling. But I yawn a lot. I have made some better choices and laid the “Saviour Syndrome” on the shelf for a while. I can’t save anyone… I have quit some things and let the feelings come to where they should be.

I cried too. That felt real good. The grief that I was carrying flowed smoothly and the soothing of what should be flooded my being.

Am I okay now… no not likely 100%... but much better.

Why write about this…?
I think that there are some other ‘friends’ of mine that live close to this edge as well. There are pastors that read this and identify. There are some none church people that know what I mean too. It isn’t just pastors like me that die inside from time to time.

A simple formula I have learned through this has been important to me. I need more rest or pauses between the crisis times. For every four hour intensive I need at least an hour away. A “four to one” is very good… but when there are greater than the normal intensives… I need greater than the normal recovery times… in fact I may have to shut down completely.

After very heavy phone calls… I step aside and walk outside. I CANNOT SOLVE the problem that I just listened to… God can… BUT I cannot. What a freeing thought that is. I cannot take away the pain that the family is feeling… God can… That rhythm is vital to my ongoing life and survival.

No I am not perfect and I often find myself at the same place over and over again.

My Computer and Me are doing much better.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Monday, August 13, 2007

Saying Good Bye to an Old Friend

The Obituary reads….

Murville Edward Thom
September 26, 1924 - August 10, 2007

On Friday, August 10, 2007 at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Murv in his 83rd year. Left behind his best friend and loving wife Dorothy of 52 years. Dear father of Wendy, Brenda and her husband Ralph Iannazzo, Gwen, Dodie and her husband Eric Muir, and Tim and his wife Candy. Loving grandfather of Becky and Graydon Hardie, Janna Martin, Cheri, Brandon Uyenaka, Lauren Phillips, Ryan and Chanelle Muir and Michael Thom. Visitation will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (one block east of Kerr, 905-844-2600) from 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Sunday. Funeral Service 1:00 p.m. Monday, August 13, 2007 at Evangel Pentecostal Church, 1450 Rebecca Street, Oakville. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. For those who wish, memorial contributions to the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Palliative Care Unit or the Kidney Foundation would be appreciated by the family. Special thanks to the nurses and care givers of O.T.M.H.

I want to stand up and scream, “There is so much more you can say! Murv was my friend and had a great impact on me! Please listen to what I have to say!

Murv and Dorothy lived in Oakville, Ontario. We first met them when we arrived in that small city in 1969. We had been married for two years and had our first baby – Dana. Somewhere in that first year we met Murv and Dorothy at the small church they attended. I was not a church attend-er at that point – in fact I was running from church as fast as I could. I wanted nothing to do with the weird people that attended church. All the weird people that attended church in my past were…well…WEIRD!

When I met Murv and the other men(and people) of the Evangel Pentecostal Church… they were not weird but REAL. They didn’t act like some that had been apart of my home church of long ago…who at times did some weird things. These new people were real. Murv – perhaps was the most REAL, Ordinary, Down to Earth… You know… the kind of guy that lived next door.

I must shorten my story here. It is much to long to tell in a short ‘Blogspot’.

I became a person who began attending church. Murv always greeted me – a strong handshake was always given. Along with that came, “Murray, How are you doing?” That was given with the same ‘Murv Thom’ ring. It never changed all the time that I knew him. On January 9, 2007 and again on June 9, 2007 Murv gave me the very same greeting. That familiar happy ring in his greeting was still there. Along with it was the twinkle in his eye, the big grin and the firm hand shake. You knew that Murv meant what he was saying.

Well on August 10, 2007 Murv received the beginning of his reward. It was that day that his old body was not able to continue any longer. He passed away. It was at that moment that he walked through to the other side to meet his Lord. He is now with Jesus and all the rest that went before him.

Most that know me – know that I have a vivid imagination. I base what I say next on that imagination and also on what I have studied over all these years… On August 10, 2077 Murv Thom was warmly greeted with a firm hand shake, with a twinkle in eye and a big grin...and it was then that he heard, “Murv, How are you doing?! Welcome to your new home!” The speaker in my mind was Jesus…and a long line of Angels that were there to shake his hand and welcome him to his new home.

I imagine again his first words, “Is this ever beautiful…!” I have heard Murv say that about all the places he has seen on all his hunting and fishing trips up North. I have heard him tell me many stories about places he had seen over all these years. Today he has a new, beautiful place to discover.

If I could I would yell with my loudest voice, “Murv, we will take care of Dorothy until she is ready to join you. If I can Murv…I will also be there to help Wendy, Brenda, Gwen, Dodie and Tim… Hey buddy… you did so much for me as a young man… this is the least that I can do for you… See you soon…”

Today I honour an old friend as I attend and take part in this graduation celebration.

Thanks for the memories Murv… thanks so much!

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Saturday, August 11, 2007

My World Has Shrunk Again

The kids in front of me looked puzzled as I described to them my childhood. The words that seemed to catch their attention the most we simple but very true. I said, “When I was a boy you were expected to be quiet on Sunday afternoon. It was a day of rest when you didn’t do anything. It was to be a day of doing nothing.”

In the later 1940s and through the 1950s it was a “Day of Rest” when everyone simply did that – rested. What a contrast from today when there is little difference from the other days of the week…in fact maybe with the Sunday off from work we turn it up a notch or two and work harder.

Change happens for sure.

As I was reminiscing of those old days I thought to of a time when I sat quietly in the old farm house, on one of those quiet Sunday afternoons, and read the ancient “Mechanic’s Illustrated” magazines. Vaguely I remember a “National Geographic” as well in some of those years. The photos and stories were from so far away from that small farm house a few miles west of Truax, Saskatchewan. The world was so big and so far away from me.

The silence was broken from time to time when the telephone rang. I can’t remember what my grandparent’s telephone “ring” was. “Three Longs, Two Shorts” maybe, or was it “Two Shorts and Three Longs”? Everyone on their telephone system had a distinct code. If you wanted to speak to a person or family you picked up the hand piece and held it off the hook while you turned a crank, Three Times then Two Times, with the turns each for longer or shorter ‘bursts’. For example the long could be one full rotation of the crank and the short was a half turn. The turning of the crank produced electrical bursts that were sent out down the telephone wire to all the farm houses and the houses in town.

What I just described was very modern compared to the earlier system that required you lifting the receiver handset and turn the crank around and around sending a long burst to “Central”. Central was located in some one’s house that was ‘Central’ to all in the community. The lady that agreed to do this task stayed in her house almost all the time. Short runs to the garden were possible but she needed to be available in case some one needed to call. This was especially true when someone was in trouble or hurt.

But both of these systems were so much faster that harnessing a horse and then riding a mile over to your nearest neighbor… or the more extreme of walking(running) the one mile to get help.

As I told the story to the kids sitting around me, I felt like a dinosaur. They were very quiet and they listened intently. They were also between the ages of 9 and 12 years of age. They were quiet as they tried to make sense of these stories that I told.

It was just then that my cell phone rang. It sits quietly on my hip all day long and stands ready at night for the emergency calls that might come. I reached for the cell and pushed the one small button. Immediately I was connected with the person on the other end of the line. His accent was heavily South Asian which was very much like my East Indian friend “Raj”. He was calling back with an answer to my earlier question on a Computer Internet help line.

I broke away from the kids for a moment and listened intently as “Oola” gave me the answer I needed. After he gave me the answer he asked me a question. It was odd but it showed his human side, and that he was more than just a human robot on the cell phone line. He asked, “How is your day going?” I told him it was very hot. I asked him where he was located… Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver…? I knew it was hot in those places as well as I had watched a weather channel report earlier. His reply shook me a little. “I am in India.” Oola said. Then I responded with a feeble sorting of my thoughts, “I guess it is hot there all the time isn’t it?” I don’t think he has thought of his country’s heat as an event – not the way that we do in Canada. The conversation went on for a while as we shared from our two different worlds. When I told him that I have always wanted to visit India… he replied, “You are most welcome!” sounding as if he would be willing to pick me up at the Airport in Mumbai.

As he spoke my thoughts sped back to ancient National Geographic magazine in that old farm house in Truax. The magazines were stored in the wall cupboard below the old crank telephone. There were pictures of guys like “Oola” in that one article I had looked through so many times.

My world has shrunk again.

With my annoying problems with the instant connection to the Internet… I had met “Oola” who had been a great help. He got me connected to the Internet that I needed so desperately that day. I needed to contact a person in Malaysia about an important possible meeting for him.

I left the kids to head back to my office. Just after I flipped into my email on my computer a small window opened with its distinct “jingle tone”. There was “Irene” who lives in Indonesia and she was just checking into to see how I was doing. With her connection through an instant Talk Program that allows anyone that connects with me when I am ‘On Line’, she dropped in to say “Hi Pastor Murray…” (For those that don’t understand it was like sitting under the telephone in the small farm house and having the “Three Longs and Two Shorts” startle you.)

Yesterday I was walking towards another young man. He was talking to himself with an angry look on his face. Then he moved his arms with great expression. As he passed by my left side I heard him say, “Listen Chin… I told you that I wanted that shipment from you this past week. You are the one that lives in Hong Kong! Now get it going! Husein is expecting that in India this next month! Come on guys….!”

I stopped and watched him poke his ear with his finger. There in his ear was a small black thing that looked like a larger sized hearing aid. It had a small “C” shape around the outside of his ear.

With that short exchange I had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and stared at the young man walking away from me. You couldn’t even borrow his cell phone as it was part of his body. He is in Peterborough, talking to Chin in Hong Kong, about goods he was expecting in India this next month.

I am a dinosaur and my world has shrunk big time.

But my BOSS has it all covered… in the Bible – in Isaiah 65:24 states… “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” (NIV) I think God knew that this world would change big time – an he is as up to date as anyone… Hmmmm…?

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Friday, August 10, 2007

Side By Side Friends

The small hands reach out to each other. They grasp the hand of the other and pull each other tightly in a new embrace. Then slender arms hold the others close. Together as the breeze whispers through and around them they hold tightly to one another. Softly, with grace they cling, arm in arm. It is a quiet dance that goes on day and night for at least three months.

Meet our ‘Morning Glories’, the masters of climbing and intertwining. They are the ‘ballet flower’ of our yard. What grace and glory they offer our property.

We have waited for over a month to see the action begin, sometimes wondering if they would make it. My wife Alida had placed more seeds in the ground this springtime. They had also prolifically reseeded themselves from last year’s crop.

Every morning I check for new flowers. They shed all the blooms from the day before and then produce a brand new stock just for that day. This wall of Morning Glories will produce literally hundreds of flowers this summer.

But this is not the only dance that is taking place in our yard. Just 20 feet further down the walk way to the back yard two vines are playing with each other. One is a Trumpet Vine that is planted close to our garage and near the walkway into the yard. The other is our neighbor’s Grape Vine that is situated directly over the fence beside the Trumpet Vine. Both of these creatures are able to reach long distances from where they are growing to wherever they can find support. In this case they both have spanned a 5 foot gap and then latched on to each other firmly. This new union has produced a natural arch way above our back gate.

In one gardening shop I saw a sign that I intend to reproduce this next week. It states it simply – “Neighbors are side by side Friends”. Here in our yard the plants are making it clear that this is so true. They reach out to one another in a very natural way. They offer support and strength. They touch and entwine their graceful little arms. Should you every try to pull them apart it will not happen easily. Together their strength is amazing.

We have been blessed to be situated on this street – Western Avenue. On both sides of our home are wonderful neighbors. Each family is different from us. But side by side we have become friends.

To the north is Stewart and Lillian, we share a hedge and a row of Lilac Bushes. To the back of hedge we enjoy the view of their old apple tree that is full of fruit now. Over this hedge we enjoy catching up with what each of us do in our lives. I am amazed at the depth of our conversations that take place over the hedge.

To the south is Larry and Linda, we share a 6 foot high fence. Along this fence is the array of Morning Glories and the two vines. This fence is also a major squirrel highway. During the summer the squirrels struggle to get through the mess of little arms of each plant.

Neighbors are not always so good. Relationships are not always so easy and kind. Reports this past week from another friend of ours told the tragedy that happens when one neighbor offends another. Tempers flared over ridiculous things and relationships will never be the same again. Anger has torn any possible friendship of the past or the future.

In another situation the people that we know actually sold their house at a loss to remove themselves from the nightmares that they faced on a daily basis. Each time they came out or went in they were given glares from their not so “side by side friend”. It disturbed everything about their lives. If their kids set one foot on their neighbor’s property the door would open and words would be screamed at the offender. To have even a small party or group of friends over was not possible for fear of an offence that may happen to the miserable neighbor.

I cannot even imagine the nightmare of living with that kind of horror less than 20 feet away. Thank you God…for our neighbors.

In a few weeks time we will be having our annual Block Party in our driveway. Together the three sets of neighbors, north, south and middle, will host every other neighbor on our block. Together we will exchange our stories and ideas. Together we will support and encourage each other. I can’t wait for that day to come.

I wonder what you are doing in your community? How is your friend next door doing these days? Have you talked to them lately? They may be needing some help – or ready to help you?

“God… today I thank you for placing me here and now. I pray that you would bless by neighbors in whatever they set out to do. Help their families. And God if they need me to help them, show me how I can best do it. Thanks so much for this gift of side by side friends.”

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hardly Anyone Knew

As I stepped into the pulpit in the funeral chapel most of the seats were empty. No one came for this event. Actually that wasn’t totally true. The chapel had a seating capacity for about 200 and there were 8 people seated. Part way through the short service three more people joined to make it 11.

Philip passed away on August 5, 2007. His obituary was short. Quote…“Peacefully at Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Hospital drive in his 59th year. Son of the late Leonard and Pansy… He will be sadly missed by his friends at the Rubidge Retirement residence. A memorial service will be held at Comstock Funeral Home & Cremation Centre, 356 Rubidge Street, Wednesday August 8, 2007 at 3:00 PM. In memory of Philip donations may be made to the charity of your choice.” Enquote.

Philip never married. He had lived with his mother until she died. Then he lived alone until there was a flood and his house was destroyed. He lived in the house that had been destroyed until it was unfit, then authorities moved him to the retirement home. I am not sure of all the details but these are the morsels of info that came my way.

During the years that he lived in his own home he would be considered to be like a “street person” – often sitting on a bench on one of our busy downtown streets. He didn’t bath often and was unkempt by most people’s standards. He just watched the world go by. Few that passed him would know that he did have money to take care of himself, to repair the house and to look after the normal human niceties. But he chose not to. Instead he lived on a fringe in our society away from everyone else. “He was shy”, “A loner” – “…some one that wanted to be by himself” would best describe Philip.

Of the 11 people that attended were 2 cousins. The family is much larger than 2 but no one in his family knew him.

I have a lump in my throat as I write this. If I would have known Philip I would have tried to be his friend. But I remember him sitting on the bench and I had walked by him as well.

The Same Day…
In Toronto there was a funeral for a policeman that was killed in action. Three men trying to flee from the scene of their crime had killed him by running an automobile into him. He was the father of four kids and husband of his wife. Over 6000 fellow policemen joined his family to pay their respects. A majority of the people that attended the funeral, including most of the policemen did not know the officer either but were there to honour him. The millions that watched the TV reporter speak of the funeral and then flash the video clips taken at the funeral gathering did know him either – yet many, many of them felt the grief.

One officer down and one fringe person down... Both unknown... Both in communities that should care…. But both had very different funerals… very different.

As Philip’s cousin read her short tribute she encouraged us all to some time sit on the bench that Philip sat on – if we are every by that area. Then she asked us to think of Philip when we are there. She said, “He would like that I am sure.”

The Preachy Part…
As I prepared for the audience that I would not know – for Philip’s funeral – I thought of Jesus. As Christians we know him as the ‘Son of God’. In my world he takes front row and centre. When I read his story again yesterday I was powerfully moved. He spent most of his time walking into communities and up to the fringe people of his society. If he was in our city today he would likely be sitting on Philip’s bench and talking to the person that now occupies it.

In his world it bugged the daylights out of the ‘Religiously Perfect’ people of his day. They couldn’t stand the fact that he talked to these people let alone touched them.

The resulting short sermon that I preached yesterday got to me – more than anyone else. What do I do for – or – how do I connect with the fringe people in my community? Two simple questions that are bothering me today and I have to deal with them.

I can walk away from them… avoid their rooms in the senior’s residence and even their park benches… but they don’t go away.

I have been asking myself a simple question, “If I was Philip what would it be like?” There is that darn lump in my throat again.

I had a simple thought following all of this. There are more Street People than before. Could it be that many are simply there to be a friend to people that have none?

Today I know where I have to go. I will make my way downtown to sit on the bench and think about this some more. Then I intend to meet one person that is not so nice, not so noisy and has no friends.

What about you? What will you do now?

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Monday, August 06, 2007

It's just that my dream didn't come true... YET!

Written By Bruce Lindsay

Over the past few months I have been working with accountants, banks and lawyers with regards to purchasing a business. During this time I have also been helping coach Clifford's baseball team. As bad a team as you will ever find with about 6 kids who couldn't catch a ball or stop one from rolling under their glove if their arms were 6 feet long.

The losing didn't bother me though. But it was getting frustrating to my son, Clifford, who is one of the best players on the team, especially on defence. His only problem is inconsistent hitting. Lately he's been in a hitting slump, which wouldn't matter except that now we're playing playoff games and we need everyone to do their best.

He spent some time with Tim, a coach for the Peterborough Tigers team, talking about hitting and what he was doing wrong. He also spent some extra time practicing his swing with his new bat and felt good about Thursday's game.

That night I had a dream that Clifford got 4 hits in 4 at bats in a game. I told my daughter Emma about my dream, but I didn't tell Clifford just in case he felt I was putting pressure on him.

The next day, I found out from the bank that based on the financial records of the business, my loan was not going to be approved. That night, Clifford struck out 4 times. We lost a playoff game 11-9. Clifford knew that one or 2 hits would have been the difference. We were both disappointed.

Emma found out about Clifford's bad game, and as I put her to bed, she said "I guess your dream didn't come true."

I said, "No, don't think like that. It's just that my dream didn't come true...YET!" I told her about the business we were hoping for and how that door is closing. I told her that's my other dream. But I'm not sad about it. "It's just that my dream didn't come true... YET!" We both smiled and I kissed her goodnight. We both were reminded of an important lesson.

Don't give up on your dreams. Instead keep working towards them. Take time with 'The Coach' and ask him for help and practice your swing. Remember He has a plan for you. A plan to prosper you and not to harm you. God doesn't want you to be a loser. He has placed you where you are to reveal His glory. We'll see over the next couple weeks what happens with the team and Clifford in particular. We'll see over the next couple of years what happens with my family and the purchase of a business. In the mean time, I will rejoice in the Lord!

Johnny Damon

Trott Nixon

Friday, August 03, 2007

Bring On THe Humor - We All Need It!

This hot weather we are experiencing in Ontario is almost unbearable now – WOW! Each day is carefully planned and executed with the least amount of effort as possible – sometimes with the least amount as clothing too. It is at this point that our humor level rises. Yesterday was that kind of day to bring on the humorous.

As we rounded the corner we first saw the small, four foot paddling pool. It was bright, transparent, blue and with two inflatable rings around it. Probably it was made for a family’s back yard. You know the kind that two children can dip in and out of on the blistering hot day.

This pool however was not in the backyard but rather the front – in the middle of the lawn. The front yard was of a very old apartment building. The water hose from the side of the apartment was stretched out as far as it could go to the small pool. The sight that presented itself was shockingly funny.

There on the steps sat a child and a very large man – who I will call “Supersize #1”. His size was so large that the ‘Speedo’ he was wearing was not so easily visible. He looked as naked as any bird is. His ‘supersize’ looked even greater in that the child, who may have been about 8 years old, sat beside him in his bathing suit. To catch the humor of this the picture properly with these words may not be totally possible.

To complete this picture there was Supersize #1’s friend, Supersize #2, sitting in the little tiny pool. Supersize #2 must have been in the 300 plus pound of weight. He would be the “Before” poster boy for Weight Watchers. He had somehow crossed his legs and fit all of that portion of his body within the rings. The hose was doing its job and acting as a fountain as Supersize #2 held it on his face.

This man appeared to have melted as he sat in the pool. Or at least he appeared to be melting slowly with his girth ever widening. His was becoming a pyramid in the pool.

Alida simply stated for both of us, “Oh…Isn’t that funny!” And I replied, “Just when I don’t have the camera!” We both giggled at the sight all day as we went about our business. It had become part of memories forever.

Summer time is too funny.

Later another site popped into plain view in the evening. This guy was the antithesis of Supersize #1 and #2. He was extremely skinny. His spindly, white legs hung from the large Hawaiian shorts. His top was partially covered with a sleeveless white muscle shirt. He was hot and he didn’t care what he looked like. Now complete this picture with the fact that he was likely over 85 or closer to 90 years of age and may have weighed all of 125 pounds. He stood in the shade of the large tree in his front yard.

The heat not only brought out the sizes and clothing show – it brought out the colour as well. Most amazing is the array of tattoos that have shown up. Some of the tattoos are full view with so little clothing on… others are a peek-a-boo type that sneak out to let you see just snippet of what might be lower of higher.

As my friend and I sat in the coffee shop enjoying our beverage the parade happened. It was something like a Santa Claus parade… as the participants came by… the sights became better by the moment. Right there in Tim Horton’s Coffee Shop, came the Parade of Tattoos. Little flirty ones that peeked out from below the young adult’s half shirt looked comical as it was a butterfly and the wearer of the shirt was male. A whole host of tattoos peeked out above the waste band of low cut jeans, shorts and sweat pants. Giving just enough to wonder what was below. Ahem.

My friend with me is also a minister. I looked at him and asked an obvious question, “I wonder if this is a sermon illustration I can use somewhere?” We both laughed together.

Our day was made complete as three older ladies walked up to the counter. They had to be in their 70s. Giggling and carrying on as they were – they were impossible to miss. Attired in their terry towel shorts and tops that matched, they each had a new tattoo on their ankles. They probably did it together. Who knows what their kids and grandkids thought of them.

I went to bed last night giggling. It was a good medicine day! Bring on the humor well all need some. It is going to be hot again!

The Bible verse that captures it all is Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” (NIV)

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Looking Like Something It Is Not

The new photos are outstanding! One in particular stands out. If any of you have downloaded this new package from Google you will know what I mean. It came with the package as a freebee. Amazing simply amazing.

In the middle of the screen is this round dark ball that looks something like you would use in soccer (or foot ball) to kick around. Surrounding the round dark mass is hundreds of white crystals – that look a lot like rice kernels. The title on the photo suddenly changes the whole idea. The words simply say “Salt and Pepper”.

This photo is so much like life in general. Life can be filled with so much that looks like something but it is not. The hidden contrasts are the upsetting anomalies. These small things do odd things to the mind. The mind rushes to make sense of what it is taking in and then tries to place some reference thoughts around the new images.

Yesterday for an example I saw a woman that had to be the most angry person on the street. She glared at the traffic that was passing. I could see her face clearly. The wrinkles together with her scowl was all the evidence anyone needed. I saw other people looking at her as well. She was about to cross the street in front of me. No way I was going to come near her with my vehicle.

Then she looked at the person next to her and said something. Her face was transformed in an instant. The wrinkles accented her beautiful smile. The words coming from her made the person next to her laugh. Then she turned back to the street again and the scowl came back. It was then that I realized that she was looking directly into the sun which was dazzling. In my vehicle it wasn’t that bright but on the street corner it was almost blinding. I looked at her friend that she had spoken to and her face revealed a struggle with the sun light as well – just not as many wrinkles.

I was with some one this week that suffers a tremendous amount of pain when she moves. It seems that pain is in every joint of her body. You can see it on her face as she moves gingerly from position to position. The pain is a burden she bears all the time. I said something to her and she beamed from ear to ear with her response. What showed through at that moment was not her hurting joints but her dazzling spirit. She radiates and that is likely one of the reasons that so many people want to be near her all the time. She is amazing.

So much of what surrounds us looks like something that it is not. Our poor old brains are fooled easily by the stimulus that comes in.

On the positive side it is this first look that catches the attention and brings people back to look again. This is true for the poor wrinkled lady in front of my vehicle struggling with the sunshine and it is also true for the beauty pageant princess that is dazzling. Neither first look can tell you what is inside.

The startling thing that should grab all of us is… others are looking at us as we go about our business. I was caught off guard the other day with a side glance in a double mirror system in a store. It was a telling moment where I stopped, backed up and took a second look. Who was that old person that just past me going the opposite way? When I backed up and took another look it was ME… from a different angle… and the image was of a man in hurry with a deadly scowl on his face that simply said, “Get out of my way please. I am in a hurry!” I stopped and looked at the old guy in the mirror with deep concern – the young buck that he once was has vanished – now there is an old wrinkled geezer staring back at me. I stuck out my tongue and then grinned. Too funny. Then I looked around to see if anyone was watching. Thank goodness no one was there with me.

Some one asked the question of a piece of money, “What is its face value?” There was one thing written on it but it is worth far more with its age. As I looked at it I wondered how many places it had been over all these years. How many places it has traveled and how many sights it had seen…probably mostly in someone’s pocket or purse. Just imagine if the old coin had ears – would it ever have a story to tell!

I like to think that behind the multitude of wrinkles and mountains of gray hair there is far more inside.

Give that beautiful young lady a few years of life and she will be standing on a street corner glaring at the sun as well. Then let her walk past that double mirror and see if she stops to take a second look.

I am thankful of one powerful fact… God does see it the way that others do. He can see way past the scowl and the tear and then laughter and the sullen look – he sees me… and you for who we are. He knows the real me and isn’t discouraged or turned of with what is in front of him.

One final image that sticks deeply in my collection of people memories came yesterday. It happened in the hospital. I entered the room to see one of the elderly men that I work with. He is in the pre-palliative ward of our health care system. Beside him is another man that is even lower in physical abilities. The second man lies with his mouth open most of the time. No teeth in produces a gapping hole in his face. He was struggling yesterday.

His wife came into the room. She walked over to his bed and leaned over kissing him on the cheek and said, “ Hi handsome. How are you doing today?” His wide mouth changed and he smiled from deep inside. This was his lover for so many years. She was there for him now – the world could come and go but she was there. In a glimmer I caught a small snapshot of their love. When I asked her how long they had been married, her rely was with a smile through her wrinkles, “57 years this coming fall. We have been through a lot together – haven’t we dad?” Then she squeezed his hand.

For the rest of this week I want to look a little closer. I really want to see what is happening around me. Most important for me – I want to see who is around me. I would love to see what God sees – potential and possibility.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~