Murray Lincoln's Desk - # 2 Now See -

Monday, December 31, 2007

Polygamy – Polygyny – Polyandry & Monogamy vs Marriage

I should understand these things better… BUT I am a DYNOSAUR. I am so old fashioned that I cannot possibly catch up.

You see I(“we” – Alida and Murray) have been married for 40 years now. In this odd world that I work and live in we are dinosaurs. When I tell someone the anniversary date – they stop and applaud.

I caught the words of a super model/artist/pop star/singer – Carla Bruni – which made me curious as to what the writer was referring to. Carla sated that, “I’m monogamous from time to time – but I prefer polygamy and polyandry.”

Believe me Carla’s life and mine are millions of miles away from each other – there is no interest in either of us for the other.

Her statement is not bone rattling at all in this present world until you consider that she could become the next Wife of the President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy.

At risk of a Church Blog becoming another gossip rag – or worse yet being searched and found out on a Google Search – and then judged “Prudish, Old Fashioned, Dynosaurish…” – I enter the discussion – THERE IS SOMETHING TERRIBLY WRONG HERE with the PICTURE!

To Help You Understand… Wikipedia states the following…
The term polygamy (many marriages in late Greek) is used in related ways in social anthropology, sociobiology, and sociology. Polygamy can be defined as any "form of marriage in which a person has more than one spouse."

In social anthropology, polygamy is the practice of marriage to more than one spouse simultaneously. Historically, polygamy has been practiced as polygyny (one man having more than one wife), or as polyandry (one woman having more than one husband), or, less commonly as "polygamy" (one person having many wives and many husbands at the same time). In contrast monogamy is the practice of each person having only one spouse. Like monogamy, the term is often used in a de facto sense, applying regardless of whether the relationships are recognized by the state (see marriage for a discussion on the extent to which states can and do recognize potentially and actually polygamous forms as valid).

In sociobiology, polygamy is used in a broad sense to mean any form of multiple mating. In a narrower sense, used by zoologists, polygamy includes a pair bond, perhaps temporary.
~…end quote.

Yes it is a “form of marriage” in many parts of the world. But not in the Christian World. Marriage is still considered to be where one man marries one woman… quaint but still true.

Now as all good State Leaders will do… they “Nicholas & Carla” will likely “get married”… you know – like in a church with a minister…for the whole world to see what her dress is like… for all the TV cameras to focus on… to then listen closely to his and her words… spoken tenderly at the church altar…

HOLD ON JUST A MINUTE… they will stand in front of a Representative of God and ask God to bless them? That is where I flipped out. That is so DUMB that few will see the DUMBNESS of it all. God blessing this kind of stuff!!!?

Hold on tight… I know I am ranting at this point…

Nicholas met her just a few days after his divorce from his second wife – who didn’t like the lime light. Carla has been “previously been linked to singer Mick Jagger, guitarist Eric Clapton and business tycoon Donald Trump.”

One article I read classified Carla as “Arm Candy”.

Fast forward the scenes before you. Grandma Carla in her old age sitting with her bright eyed granddaughter – who looks up into her eyes and asks, “Grandma tell me again how you and Grandpa met. Were you really ‘arm candy’? What does that mean Grandma?”

My point…?
Writing about the insanity of Polygamy – Polygyny – Polyandry points to Monogamy…

Monogamy points to one relationship that sticks for a long time. Asking God to bless it… and it is called “Marriage” – a very quaint Christian concept of being faithful to one person for the rest of your life.

AND I SHOUT THIS LOUD AND CLEAR – “Marriage works… if you work with it!”

An old Sunday School Teacher of mine instilled a very odd idea in me that has stuck all these years… He said, “Boys you will get out of this what you put into it…”

Polygamy – Polygyny – Polyandry takes.

Marriage gives – 100% all the time.
~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Kenya Needs Our Prayer Today

The emails have come to my computer screen with a powerful emphasis. These are my friends asking for prayer for some potentially dangerous situations where they live.

Two ladies, Marg and Janice, live in Nairobi, Kenya. Marilyn lives in Mombasa. They have asked for prayer for calm to prevail over the country following the election in their country. Actually they have appealed for prayer for the election months ago – now it is post election and the situations have worsened around them.

In The Toronto Star, today’s article entitled “Vote Delay Ignites Kenya” – there is a vivid description of places that I have walked and personally encountered this past April. The violence has broken out in and near the Kibera, the biggest slum in Nairobi, if not the world. There are between 700,000 to 925,000 people living in this slum.

What the western world doesn’t know is that there are deep tribal hatreds that are stirred up with this election. The Kikuyu is the countries largest ethnic group – Kenya’s present President Mwai Kibaki, comes from this tribe. The opposition leader, Raila Odinga, comes from the second largest ethnic group, the Luos.

The Kibera Slum is the centre of a great deal of Mr. Odinga’s support. Mr. Odinga is a 62 year old multi millionaire that has promised to do something for the poor. No wonder the Luos, that make up Kibera, want to support him.

But from reports that I read there are Kikuyu that live in another slum not far away across the railway tracks that are enraged that their tribal leader, President Mwai Kibaki, might be ousted.
Something that most of us do not know is that you cannot take photographs of the President’s estate. The man that holds this position is almost God like from what you can surmise when you are there.

Coming from Canada, we hardly look at our politicians this way. They are ordinary men that clamber for top spots. In our country they are almost a joke… at least lots of jokes are told about them. They are only talked about here if they scream a lot or get into trouble morally.

In Kenya it is very different. Politics is survival at every level.

Now add to that – our churches. Our churches have established works in every tribal area. They are not selective on who they evangelize. The folk of these churches have deep appreciation for each other. And yet… I imagine that if push comes to shove you will see the old tribal ways spring to life when decisions are made even within the Christian bodies. We see that in Canada – why would Kenya be any different?

So my appeal today is for prayer this week as tempers flare. Young men are ready to die for this election cause and that their man might be elected.

We have many precious people there from Canada and other nations that are serving among both the Kikuyu and Luos. Lift them in prayer today… and BEGIN RIGHT NOW!

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Peace On Earth and Goodwill Toward Men

The words the angels spoke that evening to shepherds on a hillside stand out today again. We are “post Christmas” again… a few days after the big day for all of the Christian World. The words have caught my attention.

When reading articles in magazines and on the Internet this last few days the one thing that stands out is the “world of tension”.

In a recent Time magazine the articles pointed to a court case that six young men will appear before the Judge and Jury. The case is about the Fort Dix Conspiracy and will be heard early this year. Meanwhile families and especially parents have been living in fear and terrible nightmares.

It seems that about six young men have been arrested for conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism against the USA and its people. The charges laid declare that the men were intending to kill soldiers at the military base Fort Dix. Through informants and people that were watching the FBI took actions. The story reveals that everyone in the USA is on high alert because of what is known as 9/11 – 6 years ago when the activities of a group of men killed so many people in their attacks.

I don’t blame my relatives to the south. This tragedy of 9/11 and the horrible war that has been launched in the USA and also in the Middle East is a nightmare for all. There is NO PEACE and very LITTLE GOODWILL TOWARD ANYONE.

In the same magazine, the very next article to the Fort Dix Conspiracy Story came another terror thought – the Chinese are hacking into American Computers from China. The men that are responsible have been hailed as heroes in China. They are smart without a doubt. Their ability was able to show that they were retrieving information from the American Military. One notable thing for me was the fact that they had been making available Hacking Software to help others get into places they shouldn’t be.


To drive this point home even closer this AM – my computer is now under attack as well. While typing this short article out my computer has been announcing that it is under attack by SPYWARE. It has been insisting that I got to a certain Web Site to get a program that will remove a certain virus and worm that is infecting me just now. The actual site that is attacking me now is insisting that I buy a program from them and also allow their company to scan my computer – RIGHT NOW!

I am under attack here in my front room – of my very own house. It is frightening to say the least. The internal warnings are coming every minute now. When I do go on line with the Microsoft Explorer and try to access the Internet all kinds of not so good windows open… and display colour pictures that no one should be looking at. When you try to close the window –it all shuts down. Grrr! Where is the FBI when I need them.

Last evening I had been trying to fix a computer for my grandson. I needed drivers that help the old computer come back to life. With problems inside the old computer I lost the necessary small files to make certain parts work. While visiting the Web Sites that have the drivers that I needed – something crawled into my machine.

Then I noticed something else – the images easily crawl into your mind as well.

PEACE OF EARTH AND GOODWILL TOWARD MEN…. God will need to help me on this one today. But then… that is what that special day so long ago was all about. The shepherds told us what the angels said… Peace and Goodwill…

The next step is to accept it and then get clean inside. I have done that – but need it again.

The second step is get a SPYWARE program when the store opens today. Oh Boy!

Pastor Murray Lincoln,8599,1691609,00.html?imw=Y

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Boxing Day - Did You Know?

Did you know…?
One of Amelia Earhart’s ( the great female aviationist) starts was from Newfoundland? Check this out…
At the age of 34, on the morning of 20 May 1932 Earhart set off from Harbour Grace, Newfoundland with the latest (dated) copy of a local newspaper. She intended to fly to Paris in her single engine Lockheed Vega, duplicating Charles Lindbergh's solo flight. Her technical advisor for the flight was famed Norwegian American aviator Bernt Balchen who helped prepare her aircraft. After a flight lasting 14 hours, 56 minutes during which she contended with strong northerly winds, icy conditions and mechanical problems, Earhart landed in a pasture at Culmore, north of Derry, Northern Ireland. When a farm hand asked, "Have you flown far?" Amelia replied, "From America." The site is now the Amelia Earhart Centre.

Did you know…?
Although the Aardvark, "earth pig", endemic to Africa, shares some similarities with the South American anteater, the two are not related. Hearing and sense of smell is acute but eyesight is poor. Tongue is sticky and can reach 45cm (18in) from the mouth. Eats primarily termites and ants.

The Polar Bear, the world's largest land predator, prospers in the harshest environments. Males can be 3m tall and weigh 650kg (1,400lb), while females weight about 250kg (550lb). Single bears trek up to 5,000km (3,100mi) across icy seas and tundra in search of food.

Did you know….?
Did you know that school would have been a lot more fun if we would have had the Internet to search all of these interesting facts?

Did you know that I am brain dead today – on this 2007 Boxing Day? Oh you guessed that… okay. No wonder people go shopping!

Pastor Murray Lincoln

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007

Two hours from now our Christmas Gifts will all be open. The kids will be highly stimulated on chocolate and we will begin to smell the aroma of the turkey cooking in the oven. One memory will be piled on top of another.

So far I have added up memories of about 55 of my years. I know there was years before that but they are somewhat fuzzy. Can you remember what you received as a gift when you were eight or earlier? At 63 it isn’t easy…oh boy.

For our family it is special with a beautiful Christmas tree, lots of food and gifts. But all of that is shared around a large table with great fun. We have all stopped the normal routine and take up a Christmas routine which will last for about 4 or 5 days at different homes.

I wish that we could have all of our friends over this time of year. I miss some of them deeply. There is Michelle in Malaysia, Irene in Vancouver, Kenny in China, Alfred in Kenya and Rod & Kaya in Estonia. All of them are my “kid’s” – all over the world. Our family has grown. Our lives have changed so much over these years. But Christmas is the same – memory on memory.

I have come to realize the wonderful blessings that we have and the richness of it all. God has truly opened the flood gates of all his blessing rooms and piled one on another.

This year our memories are flooded with a wonderful service on Christmas Eve at our church. The hymns, the reading, the candles and the gathering of friends made it all so special. There was a gentleness to it all and a presence of Peace.

This year two sets of parents have gathered with their kids to celebrate – The Lindsays and the Lincolns. We have been friends for many years and this year we are all together. We have laughed. We have played games and laughed some more.

This year was busy with visits as well. As a pastor with some of the congregation aging there are visits that are important now. Some are shut-ins with no one coming their way. Others that normally participate cannot because of health issues.

We have an element of sadness mixed with a deep sense of relief…one of our elderly ladies slipped away yesterday on Christmas Eve. Kay Mann slipped away quietly at 6:30 AM on the 24th. Her sister who is also near her age passed away in the Maritimes at almost the same time. Her son-in-law passed away in 1999 on the same day. For Kay’s daughter Rona it will be somewhat difficult with her many memories of her Christmas time over these years.

I can say that Christmas has some huge mood swings for our family and life. This week will be equivalent to perhaps three of other weeks….but we are blessed…so very blessed.

From our Family to you and yours – May you be blessed richly this week.


~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Warmth of Christmas

As Mike sat watching the events of the day he was quiet. He watched people come and go all day long. Relatives were dropping by, staying for a while and then off to their do more of their own things. The family holds this part of their Christmas at Jeanette and Jim’s house the Saturday before Christmas. It is all about family and all the people that they have adopted into their family over the year(s). Jim and Jeanette have lots of adopted folk. Mike is one of them.

I have written of Mike before. Mike was released from prison this past summer. Originally he was to be possibly be granted a “compassionate parole” and come to be apart of the Peterborough Community Chaplaincy – but instead the National Parole Board granted him a full parole. Mike is now apart of the PCC and has become a part of our church too. Not only was he adopted by Jim and Jeanette, our church adopted him too.

Mike reflected on the events at Jim and Jeanette’s home last Saturday by telling Jeanette that she is one of the most blessed women that he knows. I think he described it by saying, “You are the best of blessed!”

It has been over 10 years since he has had any kind of real Christmas. This kind for sure may have never been. Mike has likely only read about the kind that Jim and Jeanette hold at the day long adventure at their home.

There is a warmth at Christmas that slowly makes its way into the hearts of people that participate. For me that is the deepest meaning of this season in Canada. That warmth comes when family and friends come together to share their love over food and games.

Last evening one part of our family met over food and fellowship. There was 10 of us around the dinning room table. After the meal we played games and just loved each other’s company. We will do it again at least three more times this next few days. This is Christmas Warmth and we love it.

This past year…I have come to realize…
In the middle of all that we are experiencing I am silent today as I think of those that will not have or experience what we have now.

Mike reminded me of this as I look at him these days. There are over 14,000 guys like Mike that are inside of our Federal Prisons in Canada. Each will got to bed tonight and these nights with only aching memories of Christmas past. Some of these are looking at a long stretch of 20 + years very much alone from their families and old friends.

In our Ontario Provincial Correctional System there is another 2000 plus men and women that are alone in even more decrepit situations while they wait for trials, complete their time of 2 years less a day – or some part there of.

In both the Federal and Provincial systems there is TV. In the Federal system the guys have TV in their cells that they pay for with its cable vision. In the Provincial system there is one TV for about 24 to 32 men. (they live in an range of cells).

Have you noticed the amount of Christmas programming on all the TV stations over these days? Pump that into each cell and then think about the heightened loneliness that they experience. Then add to that the fact that very few of us think about these folks at all.


Sorry – I can’t think that way… and I don’t! Many are in Prison because of severe mental health issues and shouldn’t be there. It is wrong – very wrong. Others – yes they should be there and they would agree.

BUT THAT IS PRISON and you need to look by that or you would never get by doing another thing with guys inside. You would die!

The only warmth of Christmas inside of Prison is the tears that role down the cheeks of guys that are so very much alone.

Mike – was right as he looked at Jim and Jeanette( and the rest of us…) WE ARE THE BEST OF THE BLESSED!

Then there was Africa…
In April we traveled to Kenya, Africa. While there these people came to reside close to our hearts. As I sit here today with the warmth of my Christmas around me – they are on my mind a lot lately. Specially I am tuned in my thinking to the Kibera, the world’s largest slum. It is in Nairobi and it is also visible from the satellite shots that Google Earth offers.

This weekend the people of the little church we attended will join together to sing from the bottom of their hearts – with a gusto that few Canadians will ever hear or ever know. I am convinced that these folks will lead God’s choir someday in heaven.

They however will not have what we have. The Kibera is a slum where people live against their will. They are in this situation as people with NOTHING. They live the best that they can.

What I did notice as we walked through this mass of humanity was a definite array of TV antennas from the metal shacks. I also noticed that they were watching similar TV to what we watch. This weekend will be filled with Christmas as well. Most programs are beamed in from RICH AMERICA. Most will depict a kind of Christmas that the kids will never understand – and there are millions watching our opulence.

My life today and my mind is stretched as I grasp Mike’s words again… “You are the BEST of the BLESSED!”

“Mike you are so right on!” Thanks for reminding me again as to what I have. Thank you so very much!!!

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Full Power or Not?

As my friend’s email described to me the difficulties of living in the country she is in now, I cringed as she told us what was happening. It seems that standards and equipment are not what they are in Canada. If you have traveled abroad you will understand completely.

It seems that the electrical outlets and light switches are less than what they should be. The one wall switch is broken and there are none available to repair/replace the parts. So when she or her husband enter the room they go over and cross the open and frayed wires to turn on the lights. She said when they touch the two wires there is a flash and a spark – then the lights come on.

I shudder to think what is happening! The bare copper wires make connection and in a flash they are welded together – then when they “turn off” the lights they rip apart the small weld. You lose a little wire each time and the wire grows shorter – putting the flash that much closer to the wall and a potential fire. Oh BOY!

I read of a potential airplane crash and then found the photo of the frayed wires that they think caused the failure. It seems that the wires in their poor condition crossed and the side door on the aircraft flew open and then was ripped off at 300 MPH. Wires frayed – nerves shot and an accident can happen.

Having a good circuit and good equipment is important. It creates a safe environment for people to live in and should be kept that way. Without the regular maintenance and replacement of wires and equipment bad stuff happens.

Too much happening…
In life we can be stretched beyond our ability. Our personal wires can be frayed at times. When that happens things go from bad to worse until someone snaps completely.

Fayed wires in a home’s light switch are one thing but it is even worse if it is someone’s personal life. Bad stuff happens quickly and lives are changed forever.

I met a man that hasn’t spoken to his son for more than 22 years. Something terrible happened and their lives were torn to bits. One blamed the other for what happened. Then there was no more relationship.

I met a lady that was so angry with her spouse. She has vowed that her spouse will never see her children again. She is in kind of a running state of mind – trying to move often so that he will not find them. Yes he did hurt her badly.

I was in a restaurant not long ago because I was hungry. Just before we sat down I spotted some people sitting at a table across the restaurant. In the past they had done things to me that were terrible and said things that were rotten. The sight of them brought back a rush of bad memories. I lost my appetite and wanted to run out. My frayed nerves from long ago were raw again – that old flash took place all over again.

Oh I bet that you thought that Pastors are aloof from that kind of disaster? NOPE – we have problems with it as well. Believe it or not we are human too and bad stuff happens.

Is there any hope…?
The answer is a hearty and healthy – “YES!”

A long time ago in Bethlehem a baby was born. God provided a huge spark, a Star, that shone above that manger scene to lead people to the place where the baby was laying. Yesterday I was reminded again of the wonder of it all as I watched a Christmas pageant put on by our Day School at the church. There in the middle of it all was one large star worn by a little girl.

God brought that light into world of frayed wires/nerves and broken promises. He is all power and at that moment brought us a better way to look to – and accept.

Along with the spectacular Star was a host of God’s power shinning into the lives of the shepherds on that hill side. The words quoted over again and spoken by God’s angels that day were – “Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward men.”

In the world that swirls around me I see broken and torn wires of life. I see the stains and the smudges left by the disasters around these distressed lives.

My prayer today is that you will find the Peace you need, you and your family will find the Goodwill that is so much needed now. Then as God rests in your family setting you all will find health and happiness this Christmas.

God Bless you Today!

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Friday, December 21, 2007

A Cozy Corner and A Good Book

The young boy’s name is Mark. He is young at 11 years old but becomes older after a few days. He becomes my new friend. It is like I have known him for a long time. As I journeyed through the hours and days with him I am amazed at his young abilities. I could hardly keep up with Mark as he struggled through his predicament and challenges of his days.

Mark’s younger brother’s name is Ricky. Their family name is Sway. Jerome Clifford, a miserable and frightened lawyer, committed suicide in front of them. Mark was the closest to him when it happened.

As I followed Mark closely for those days, I met Reggie and Clint. Then a whole host of amazing men came along to bring me up to date.

It wasn’t until 562 pages later did John Grisham tell me the final secret. “The Client” is a super book. Mark Sway is now my friend and I am pulling for this young guy who is forever 11 years old.

That is the power of a good and well written book. I have read almost all of John Grisham’s books. I found two more that just came my way in the last two months that I intend to read. I can’t wait!

A good book is a ticket for an amazing holiday away from the ordinary. It is a license to enter the most amazing world of people that I have never met – then grow with them as they let you walk with them. The characters are real – very real in a good book. They become my friends.

There isn’t enough room to tell you about people like Catherine Cookson that weaves a spell binding story after story of people of the 1800s. She has lived “now” but takes you with ease to “back then” to the 1800s. I love her books.

Two good friends(real people) of mine, Don and Doug, introduced me to Grisham and Cookson. They had some of their books and said, “Murray, I know you will like this one!” Thanks guys – you were right on!

In the Bible I rediscovered men like Joseph and Moses and Abraham and Paul and many others. What an amazing place to rediscover life through these men. Their lives and the accounts give are simply overwhelming with information and ability.

Christmas week is coming…
This is a special time to sit in my favorite big chair and read. The room is comfortable and the chair is soft. The light is right and the book is ready. I am going on a holiday for a few days. I will be there close at hand to do what has to be done – but I will also enter another world.

I took a peek at the next book. In it I have met Ray Atlee, who is a Professor in a college. He has a misfit brother and his father has just summoned them to his home…when Ray gets there his father, Judge Atlee, is dead. The book is “The Summons” and I can’t wait to see where Grisham goes with the next part. He has trapped me again.

A Struggle….
I asked my friend if he had ever read a certain book. His comment was kind of shocking, “Naw..I don’t read. Oh I read the Toronto Sun once in a while if someone leaves a copy at the coffee shop…but I don’t have time to read.”

Don’t have time to read…? Tell me you don’t have time to breath and I can accept that…but reading… no way!

Then as I came to know my friend more intimately I found out that he cannot read. He struggles with every word that is on the paper in front of him. The Toronto Sun Newspaper is full of pictures and very little text. By holding it and looking like you are reading – people are impressed. They think you can read.

I am sorry that I put him on the spot by asking that dumb question. The fact is many cannot read – or read very slowly or very little because it is just too hard.

Hats off today…
My hat is off today for guys like Joe S. that spends all his days helping people learn how to read. He is a literacy coach. Joe you are a hidden hero. I admire you and love you as my friend.

My hat is off today to Rick. Rick is just over 50 years old and he is struggling to read a little each day. The words are halting and painfully slow as they come from his lips. But the big grin on his face as he reads one sentence at a time is shear joy.

My hat is off to my Mom, who bought us our first books. Times were tough just after World War 2 – but I can remember books. Mom made away for her kids to learn how to read and then encouraged us to read.

My hat is off to my Grandpa and Grandma Kirkpatrick, who kept a whole shelf full of old Popular Mechanics Magazines mixed with other books on their farm. The covers were gone of the old magazines but the content was amazing. Through those old magazines we took long journeys to far away places, invented things, dreamed and never even left the farm in southern Saskatchewan.

A gift certificate to Chapters Book Store or is a ticket to forever.

I gotta run… I have some more reading to do today before the sun comes up. Cozy corner and a good book here I come….

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Have fun with this Resource.. Here is a RUSH!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Big A and Me

Big A stands on our dining room table now and is beaming for all he is worth. He arrived in our home in a small box with his own bedding. He was something like a neighborhood boy coming over for a sleep over. Only now he has been here for almost a month and is doing very well. He has fit right in.

As the snow has continued to deepen outside the face of Big A is beaming. The light bounces off his skin in so many different ways that it is hard to imagine. His colour changes from hour to hour.

Big A is an Amaryllis as you can see.

Big A has brightened our home in this cold weather. Only in Canada’s cold, snowy winter do you need a Big A. People in his homeland take him for granted I am sure. We don’t. Not at all.

I have started seeing people around me like Big A. The conditions in their lives are cold and snowy at times. The atmosphere is less than lovely and very much under pressure – but they shine with a new light from hour to hour.

Some of the beautiful Christmas Cards that we have received this past few weeks with he wonderful words written inside are like Big A. They bring sunshine even on a cold and bleary day.

Today I need to shine like Big A. There are some very sad situation to walk into and I need all Big A’s glory to bring a little happiness to those around me.

How about you? Could it be that the Wall Mart Greeter needs pepping up? I bet he or she could use a good lift with your smile.

What about the clerk in the coffee shop that is serving you? I bet she hasn’t has time to do her Christmas shopping yet… and an extra tip from you would be just what is needed. Ever thought of a 200% TIP?

You see Big A has taught me something new – he is radically different from the world around him. That is what makes him stand out so. Maybe that is my calling for today.

Thanks Big A for just being yourself – Unique and so Brilliant.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It Seems I Am Not Alone

I am convinced that I could make a Million or maybe even two – if I had an answer to some of the computer problems that have come my way with the last change over to the NEW WINDOWS VISTA. The problems are so strange. In fact maybe if I had another lifetime I would be very rich solving the problems that others have experienced.

My particular problem is simple. The machine will not connect to wireless router. It did well for a week or so and then nothing. It will connect to other routers with no trouble at all – just this one unit is non-communicative. Maybe it is Demon Possessed? After all most of what is done on it is in the “Spiritual World Stuff”(I am a pastor!).

Well it seems after doing buckets of reading today – real early this AM – the VISTA has a problem that comes soon after the new Updates are loaded on to your machine. The Windows people give your machine a shot in the old Mother Board to make it better. And soon after the machine stops functioning the way it should.

A few years ago there was also huge problems with the other Windows programs as the Service Packs came through and messed up our machines. Maybe some of you don’t remember that era – you are not old enough.

Today I had a Toshiba Laptop set up beside the new HP Laptop. The Toshiba was and is flying high… working very well – even in its old age. The HP stated over and over again that there was no Internet available – no signal available. DUH! The Toshiba was sailing along less than one inch away from this STRUGGLING VISTA wonder. The signal was burning holes in the side of the HP –but the dumb thing just didn’t know it!

I went the Google Search and typed in the report that the new HP gives me – at least the new HP VISTA gave me…. BINGO! There was probably a 100,000 responses to my search… about 100,000 people that might pay big dollars right now for the privilege to find an answer…. But even the experts don’t know yet! Now there is a potential Home Based Business!

But we all have the same problem and are all provoked to do something.

I went so far to download “Buntu version 7” – a new operating system that simply exist with or without Vista. If it works I will tell the whole world! Maybe in a free moment or two I will deal with that next…

As different people have contacted me I have come to the realization that we are in the same boat. I am not alone. There is a comfort in that to some extent in that we are all together – maybe 100,000 at this point in time.

It is happening with other items and programs as well.

It is neat to be a part of something so big – the “problem”. It means that there is an “answer” to even this problem. Given long enough someone will find a solution.

Switching streams…
I read today that men are still trying to conquer “Nanga Parbat” – in the dead of a continuous winter(January). “Nanga Parbat” is in the north west part of Pakistan and stands 26,660 feet high(8,126 Meters). The painful way that the men tried to make it to the top is an agonizing story. The men they wrote about the National Geographic Magazine this week, were from Poland. Their Polish Pride drives them on. Quite an amazing article to say the least. The one last comment is powerful… “….they will be back.”

My VISTA problems seam little in comparison.

The other day a family contacted us to tell of their young, vibrant son that has been hit by a very small virus that could well leave him out of school for at least a year. It could also leave him with paralysis – and the worst case scenario not being able to walk or have the high level of mobility that this very active young man has had up to now. The virus has attacked the sheath around the nerves in his spinal cord.

His life and the life of his family have been altered in a small moment that the virus entered his body. Nobody knows when or how it happened. It just did.

He needs our prayer and the family needs a whole bunch too. It will be a long journey to say the least.

My VISTA problems are really very small in comparison.

It is all about perspective… where you are and in what attitude you are when it happens.

Lots to mull over today… lots and lots…

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

One Thing You Cannot Buy

Wow! I couldn’t believe the fact shared with me. In a local department store the Christmas boom is on. In one day, in one small department the day’s sales record was almost $100,000. I can hardly believe it! Can you imagine people having that much money – or incurring that much debt because of one holiday tradition - of giving gifts?

There are many other departments in the store as well – and each has done well. In fact when you visit the store you will be caught in a flurry of people all bent on getting their Christmas shopping done. Each has a list and each has a reason why they will spend more than they should. Most of the reasons will climax about 5 minutes after the gifts are opened – but for now it is an important thing – buy – buy – buy!

There is one thing that the store cannot sell. I have searched high and low for it in that store(and others). I have looked everywhere for the item and it is lacking. There is one thing you cannot buy – ANYWHERE! I hope you may be asking WHAT IS IT?

The answer is – CONTENTMENT.

But the idea that we can be content with what we have is not easily swallowed. There is something better coming or has arrived. AND I NEED IT – NOW!

One walk through local stores you will discover all kinds of things that are new and better than last year. You will see new models of everything. And with the right amount of TV adds before I go to the store mixed deeply within me – the sights and smells will convince me that I need it.

I went over to the Future Shop store in our area. For those that have not been in one – it sells “feel good stuff” mixed with some practical stuff – most all of it is electronics of some sort or other. It majors in entertainment stuff. The store is a buzz with STUFF. It smells good and it is humming with a promise of FUN STUFF. The back wall is covered with new TVs of all sorts that have picture qualities that you could die for… I mean the bees buzzing and the flowers flowering on these screens are better than real life….and when the cameras zoom in over the ocean waves you almost get wet. DOUBLE WOW!

Now when I walked in I didn’t need anything. I have everything that I need. I was ‘testing’ myself. What did they have now that I didn’t have? What would happen to me as I perused the store’s stuff.

As I entered the front door there was a pile of ideas. I could buy one of those for Jonathan, Thomas, Michael and Christopher! They could play on it together – I would keep it in my garage and they could play with me when they come to visit. It was a helicopter that had an amazing remote control. I saw it on TV – and it looked like so much fun. If I got it Clifford and Emma could play with it too when they come over.

Ten feet later there was a whole new section of COMPUTER THINGIES that make the computer work so much better. That is what the sign said. I had never seen one before so I stopped and read all about it.

Less than five feet ahead and on my left was an amazing array of SPECIAL GAMES – the Xbox – the Play Stations – THE AMAZING GAMES SECTION. Little men of about 10 and 12 are playing the free games. I stood and watched – they are so good. There mom called them…leaving both player’s consoles free. I slipped in to try it out. Within second I was dead on the screen. I didn’t have ability that the 10 and 12 year old men had. I think I could catch on to this if I had one at home. Maybe Alida and I could play on it together while sitting in our big comfy chairs?

I was in the store 15 feet from the front door and had already spent over 45 minutes just looking at “feel good stuff”.

When I got to the back of the store and soaked in TV Land – I was another 45 minutes. My senses were completely covered in NEW and I FELT THE NEED – but my wallet was running on empty.

The test was over as I settled in my vehicle and started to pull out of the parking lot. I need that stuff… but I can use what I have…!

About an hour later I walked into my garage and built myself a High Definition Reality Cordless TV – that needs no batteries or recharging. It has all the electronics that you could ever need. It is absolutely amazing.

It comes with one thing I cannot buy in any store CONTENTMENT. Photos included below – just in case that you would like to make one too. It is a GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT – and it will provide hours of HAPPINESS. I intend to use it with Alida when she talks to me – I turn it on and point it in her direction… it is as clear and an HD TV.

Officially it is called “The Lincoln HDTV Game Console – Ultimate Reality Interactive Game”

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Monday, December 17, 2007

Poor Communication

Grrr…! This is driving me nuts! Ever since last Monday – a week today… this dumb computer won’t communicate while I am working at home. I can’t get the wireless to connect to the modem! Then all of a sudden it will connect. It leaves me unable to communicate with an outside world. I am not able to publish an early Blog Posting. If some of you read this before 7:00AM – it is because it connected and I was able to solve the ‘connect’ – if not it is because I had to still look for a solution…. Or if this comes out much later – I didn’t find a solution and had to walk through the posting somewhere else.

It has tired me out wondering if I will be able to connect. It has frustrated me not knowing if I would be able to ‘speak’ with others. It is very hard when the world is so close but no matter what you say makes no sense to others.

There is a lesson here.
I met a man that had suffered a massive stroke and then he had recovered from it to some extent. The damage to the internal circuitry is massive and has left him unable to communicate clearly. Like my computer he has been able to get some things out – but not everything. Because of the damage he has been incapacitated and alone. Inside he knows what he wants to say – but just can’t get it out.

A while ago I met another man that in his relationships he has not been able to connect with his world. He sees others that are able but he just did not understand what he should do. That lack of communication left him alone and broken. When he did communicate it came out all wrong – and all those nearby suffered. In fact they suffered so much that his family was destroyed. That man died alone this past week – it is so sad.

Communication and freedom to connect are as vital to our existence as breathing. Without it the spirit dies. The relationships begin to deteriorate and people fall away. Good clear communication is vital to our success and ability to keep going.

I have been mulling over this since the death of this one time friend.

Oh boy…
I gotta run if I am to try to solve this problem with my communication with my outside world. I will have to work hard on it today.

I will also have to work hard on my other outside world too. Today is snow shovelling day. Oh Boy…

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Quiet Heroes

Wow - has this ever been a busy week! Christmas is coming and the time is running out. I doubt that people are even able to read this with the running that most are doing.

I am amazed at the heroes that I have met this week. One is Edith and the other is Rona. Two very amazing ladies.

Edith stands with Alex day after day. Alex is confused and struggling with his days and hours. Alex just lost his leg through an amputation. At times we have wondered if he would pull through. Some say that he is paliative. But day after day he is there waiting for the next hour to come. And Edith waits with him. This is a love that holds through the hours and times of tough things.

Rona comes to see her mom each day by riding a Peterborough Bus. Rain, Snow, Sun Shine or whatever she is offered - she still gets there to see her mom Kay. Kay is waiting too. There are days that we wondered if she would be there the next day. She wants so bad to go home to be with her husband and son. Home for Kay is Heaven. But everyday is slow and long with frequent naps to break the routine.

I have witnessed a love that is amazing - given freely without any hestitation. This love will carry them through another week together. It may be a hard Christmas for both of these dear sisters. We pray for them.

These are the quiet heroes. Thanks you for your examples.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Deep Burdens - Heavy Hearts

Yesterday I met with John, a man with a deep heart ache. His mother had passed away in a horrific automobile accident. They buried her last Friday after a heart wrenching but wonderful memorial service. His father could not attend the funeral as he is still in the hospital in fairly serious condition. Each night after work my friend has driven to Toronto from Peterborough to stay with his father.

How does this kind of thing happen to people like John and his siblings? How could this happen on his mother’s birthday? A million “Whys?” flood his mind and mine? The tragedy has transformed all Christmas celebrations this year and a few years to come.

John would and does appreciate your prayers through this time. He confessed that it was likely the only thing that helped him through his own difficult moments as he stands with his dad.

Backing up here…
John’s dad was driving on the highway from Cobourg to Peterborough on a normally safe road. His mother was sitting beside her husband of all these years. The car was caught in the slush on the highway during the snow storm – and suddenly veered into the path of an oncoming vehicle. The second vehicle broadsided the older couple and she died instantly.

When John was asked by the police to come and identify his mother’s body – they had him stay 30 feet away from her in the morgue.

As John poured out his account I just listened. The tragedy was greater than I have encountered for a long time.

Side issues…
As John came off the elevator in our local hospital, after identifying his mother, he was shaken to say the least. It was at that moment that a local newspaper reporter approached him to ask, “How are you doing today John?” John quickly asked the police officer to get the guy away before John put him in the morgue. Can you imagine the crass attitudes of some people?

The very next morning, while he was with his father in the Toronto hospital, he received an email from another newspaper person informing him that they had taken a number of photographs of the accident scene and the vehicle. AND – if John wanted to… he could buy these photos from the photographer/newspaper to use in “his family scrap book” later on. No kidding – the guy really did this to the deeply grieving son.

My head jerked as John told me that last account. “You have got to be kidding!” was my response.

There are deep burdens that need our help – John and his family are special ones today. The heavy hearts that they have are almost impossible to understand. They face each day with one moment at a time.

John and I have a good relationship. Each month he cuts my hair and I talk to him. Yesterday he cut my hair and listened to him.

Would you please pray for my barber John? He will sure appreciate

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~
PS – The Newspaper Guys need prayer too….

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Amazing Grace Heroes

By now I am sure that all in the English speaking world know the story of “Amazing Grace” – the hymn written by the former slave trader, John Newton. The story behind the famous old church song is simply amazing. One man experienced a radical change personally and spiritually. His life and ideals that had guided him all along were turned upside down. In fact the entire world would eventually be affected by his decisions and the decisions of others.

Men and women that had been taken into slavery, sold and forced to live their whole lives as slaves, bear children that would live and die as slaves – were all set free. Slavery as it had existed was abolished. Actually it took a few years for it to become a reality for all. The slave trade stopped – but people still kept slaves and kept their slave keeping attitudes – for many years. They began to sing the song but didn’t actually act on what they sang.

Attitudes die slowly and many times are hard to change. I see that everyday around me. People are good but some of their attitudes are not so good. They try to be good – but old attitudes sneak back and pop up once in a while. Or sometimes old attitudes just are so real that they are part of us.

But there is hope and freedom. There is possibility of change. I have witnessed this happening again in our local setting. In one area that we have watched major changes is the one that is related to the ex-offender – men coming from prison. People’s attitudes toward ex-offenders have changed without them even knowing it.

Last week as I spoke to a young lady she shared how her life and feelings have changed so much. She spoke about the way she was and the way that she has become. One of the areas that she highlighted was the area of helping the broken lives of men that are getting out of prison. Her statement was, “I know there is a difference in me now… I would have never had anything to do with men coming from prison…now I am comfortable being around them.”

I have found that you cannot make people love someone. You cannot even make people tolerate someone. And you cannot change people’s mindsets. If there mind is set solidly after all these years – they have a strong attitude – it can not be changed by anything you do. But God can assist in the change.

God never makes people do anything. He simple loves them as they are and then loves them so much that he will not leave them the way they are. What I have witnessed is that in his great love he has poured “amazing grace people” in around the people that have little understanding of Grace. Then it isn’t long before these people apply the real grace – and then attitudes begin to change.

Last Sunday in our church we had a Baptismal Service – where men and women walked in to our Baptismal Tank and were Baptised. As a pastor I laid them down in the water and then brought them out. It is a Christian Ordinance that our church follows – adult baptism by submersion in water. Without a doubt it is the one service in church that has always been marked by great joy and transformation.

Our Baptism Service last week stands out as a remarkable testimony for all of us. The group of folk baptised were powerful. They all came as repentant individuals – sorry for their sins and wanting to declare their Christianity. The uniqueness of this service was the mixture of people.

First - The three men baptised were from a back ground of “bad” – but were now in growing toward – “GOOD”. Their lives have been changed and their attitudes radically transformed. All three had once been in prison but were now free.

Second – The three women baptised were from less frightening backgrounds – having done little bad in their lives (in comparison to the men)– but had experienced a change in their attitudes.

Third – The congregation that witnessed the Baptisms was filled with a love that was unique. They reached out to and loved… forgave and now offer new love to whoever comes. But I must say that our congregation has not always been this way. We have been a pretty ‘normal congregation’ up to 8 years ago – the same as other groups – afraid of “bad” people and not too interested in giving anyone a second chance. But that was in the past. Today at Northview you will find an amazing grace applied liberally to whoever walks through the doors.

Change is not easy – not for one minute. We have lost because we love everyone. Some have felt that loving people that are ‘bad’ is simply wrong. Their attitudes have been very difficult to understand. They could not change and would not change. I feel deeply for them. But then as I read the accounts of the Civil War one of the issues that were faced was that of slavery and attitudes of ‘good people’. As I read the Freedom March Days of many years later – the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s in the southern USA… it was not easy to change. They faced head on the attitudes of ‘good people’ and died because of what they believed.

You might be asking if I think that the issues of reintegration of ex-offenders and the release of slaves are the same? Yes I do… The individuals that we deal with – whether a slave or an ex-offender are very different. But the attitudes of some of the ‘good people’ are exactly the same. They want nothing to do with “these kind of people”. “These kinds of people” can sit at the back of the bus, drink from different fountains and live in different places – just not near me or my family!

The shocking thing I want to state to you here is – “You do not know Amazing Grace until it has changed your life and attitude.” Without a real application of GRACE – you are just singing a great melody – but know nothing of God’s Grace.

The really shocking thing is that some day when the ‘good people’ get to heaven – they will be really shocked at the kind of people living right next door. Many of their new neighbours will be ‘really bad people’ that have found the Grace of God!

The next logical question is if you think that God will allow people into his heaven that have no idea of what His Grace is about. Do you think that he will allow Graceless People in? I will be honest with you – I doubt it.

But I will be honest here – I find it about as hard to understand and accept Graceless People as some of them have in accepting “Bad People That Have Found Grace”. But – then – that is God’s application of his Grace to my life – he helps me to even love ‘Good People’.

Something to mull on today… hmmm.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

see Photo Source

Monday, December 10, 2007

Little Heroes

He isn’t very big but he holds his own. He has to with older brothers. This kind of guy is known as the “little brother”.

I would like to tell you two stories of two “little brothers”. These accounts will help you see the special abilities that they have developed to survive. They need these abilities to cope with older and wiser big brothers. In fact I am sure it is God’s way of helping them.

Christopher is 6. He has four older brothers that are bigger, sharper and sometimes wiser. They tend to pick on him at times. It is kind of like pulling the family dogs tail - you just do it because it is there – and in Christopher’s case – because he is there.

Christopher is our youngest grandchild. With his full name being “Christopher Murray Rourke”, you may understand that he carries some unique traits right off the start.

His Grandfather Bill Rourke and Great Grandfather Bill Rourke both were very unique men. Though I have never met them, I simply know from the many stories that they were lively, impressionable and spirited men. Both of these grandfathers were Ordained Ministers as well.

Christopher’s daddy, Bill Rourke, is also a lively, impressionable and spirited man. He hasn’t yet told his boys all the stories of his own childhood. I doubt that he dares to at this stage with four sons.

Now I won’t say too much about his other lineage – my side of the equation – except that I have been known to also be a lively and spirited man – that will leave an impression as well – ahem! I carefully clear my throat on this description – AND I HAVEN’T TOLD MY GRANDCHILDREN about my past… at least not all of it. My daughter, their mommy, has given me strict instructions to not tell them. (Is that unfair or what? They are good stories and the boys need to know what can be done….. Okay… Okay… I know… I know… I won’t say a thing …yet).

A Christopher account…
Last week my wife was with our four grandsons in Whitby for a day. There was lots of action in the house to say the least. After supper there was a little time to sit at the table with some of the boys while the others were doing homework. Christopher and Grandma Lincoln were together. It was then that Christopher asked Grandma to play “I spy with my little eye…”
“Okay Grandma… I spy with my little eye… ummm…something that is white.” Christopher said with confidence.

Grandma then began looking around the room. She tried every, single thing she could see mentioning each item by name that was ‘white’. Christopher answered, “No…” each and every time she guessed. “Do you give up Grandma?” Christopher queried with a big grin on his face… Grandma said, “Yes, what is white, what is it?”

The answer was simple and the long giggle that followed was full and very funny. Christopher’s said… “Your hair…” and then broke into barrels of laughter at Grandma’s reaction.

Remember Christopher is SIX. He is hilarious at times – a genuine comedian. Could it be that we have another “Jim Carey” in our family?

Justin’s account…
Justin is also the youngest in his family. He is 7 years old. We met at a Craft Demonstration that I was taking part last evening at Lang Pioneer Village.

As I sat at the table demonstrating “Tatting” - Justin came into the room looking around. He walked up to my table and said, “Hi, what are you doing?” There were no big people around – just me and him.

I then tried to give him a short description of “tatting”… an intricate form of lace making…that most adults cannot do… and kids aren’t interested in. Seven year old boys are usually not interested – for sure.

Justin listened closely…then stated, “That is neat! Did you make all of these things?” To which I replied, “Most of them,” I replied.

It was interesting to have a seven year old in front of me and to stay that long and continue to be interested.

I asked him when his birthday was. His reply was immediate, “April 30.”

I countered with, “Wow! I am only 17 days older than you! My birthday is April 13!”

“You are not,” was his counter, “you are older than that!”

“Yah, you’re right..” I replied, “I am 56 years older than you are.”

He grinned at me and said, “Wow! You sure are good at math!”

We giggled together. Pure delight… two boys and a simple connection. Oh the bliss of it all.

His mom and dad came into the room with his two older siblings dragging behind them.

Justin then proceeded to tell his mom and siblings what “tatting” was about…introducing me as he did.

When the family was leaving the room Justin was the last one out, he turned and said clearly, “Happy Birthday”, and then grinned from ear to ear showing the missing tooth.

Remember he is SEVEN.

I am sure that I have met the next lawyer or maybe a politician in their family. Justin was “good”.

"God Bless Christopher and Justin. The potential is great and the abilities are so many. Keep their abilities developing I ask. Most of all God, help me to see them and take time to listen and be with them. Thanks for placing these little heroes in my life now."

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Northview's Bulletin December 9, 2007

Special Thanks
Today I want to thank all the folk that have placed so much work into the various volunteer roles in our church. Our congregation is made up of people that care. They have invested their time and energy in ways that are simply amazing.

The Christmas in the Country celebration of this past Saturday Morning was one of the examples of a great coming together of volunteers. Thank you to the Beamers for opening their home to the ladies.

Last evening the church body gathered together for a wonderful Christmas dinner at the church. The army of volunteers that participated at this were amazing. It was a great success. Thank you to all that took part!!

A HIGHLIGHT of last evening was a brand new “Ladies Quartet” that put a whole new spin on the “12 Days of Christmas” – as they put it – Northview Style. We laughed until some of us cried! Check it out at

Thanks to the Seniors and their leadership over this past year. A special "Thank You" to Doris Solmes for all her work in the Keenagers ministry at Northview. As her retirement from this leadership takes place this month – I would like to express my thanks along with that of the Board for all that Doris has done. Her faithful helper, Reg, has stood with her all the way through these years of leadership. God bless you Solmes!

Did I ever tell you that I miss our Secretary – Josselyn Armstrong – when she is on holidays! Thank you Josselyn for all that you do – when you are away I know just how much that is. Hurry back!!!!
Finally - Nothing could have been done in this Church without a GREAT BOARD. There has never been a time in all my ministry where Good Godly Leadership has been more needed and felt than now. Northview Church - join me as we stand to THANK THE BOARD OF NORTHVIEW! God bless you folks for your faithfulness. Some of their photos can be seen at the end of this post.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~

SUNDAY, December 9, 2007
"Christmas Testimonies" – accounts shared by some of our friends at Northview

Very Important – This morning a number of folk will be Baptized in Water

This week…
~From Pit to Pinnacle~
A study on the Life of Joseph
LEADER: Pastor Tim Taylor
* held in the Prayer Room* * coffee is served!

This Week…
Men’s Ministry
7:00am Men’s Breakfast @Aviemore!(on McDonnel St.) Start your TUESDAY morning the right way, with some GOOD FELLOWSHIP !

Women’s Ministry
Ladies join us @ the Brookdale Restaurant - Brookdale Plaza – Tuesday morning – 7:00 AM

Wood Carving – “Christmas Carvings”
Thursday nights at 925 Western Ave. – a small group is meeting to wood carving class. This class is designed for beginners and advanced carvers alike. Everyone is welcome. Contact Pastor Murray at 760-9389 if you are interested.

Prayer Requests: *~*~*~*~*~*~*
Important: Hazel Cunningham, Kay Mann, Isabel Fowler, Jack Frizzell, Alex Farnsworth, Arthur Wilkin, Sharon Haley, Roy MacArthur, Jason Dagg, and Herb Shoemaker
Thank-you for praying...these are special people.
Prayer Chain Contact: Monica Church @ 876-7920

Coming Events…


DEC 15TH 6:00PM “Guest Speaker”
This is a night we set aside to honor all those who
have helped and supported our ministry though-out
the year, Please let Dan Haley know if you plan to come 741-4172

Ponder Points:
One Volunteer is worth Millions!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas Celebration Heroes

Getting a fresh glimpse of Christmas can happen in a number of places... this first one that I will mention here took place in Wall Mart last evening.

Remembering that it is about two weeks from Christmas and that it is a Friday night in Wall Mart – I know that it will be busy when we planned to go there. There will be lots of people – I mean lots and lots. I didn’t need to buy anything my wife does al that – but I needed to look and watch. This store is a favourite place to do these activities of mine.

Hero Number One…
She is short and has a bright red Santa hat on. She is pushing a supply of carts from their nesting place in the wall. She sees every customer as they come in. This woman is beaming from ear to ear. She loves her job – wow. Even though the door continues to open and close letting a little blast of cold air in each time – she is happy. With her smile at me comes a hearty – “Welcome..” My reply was, “I am back again..” as I smiled back at her. She then said, “We want to come back again and again!” and grinned from ear to ear again.

First thought…
I need this woman to attend our church – SHE IS SO GREAT AT WHAT SHE DOES. I had experienced a very long day and was pooped out… but this greeting made me say, “Wow! I am glad that I came here!!”

Hero Number Two…
The table was set up in the middle of the main aisle. On the table was a display unit covered with pieces of paper. Behind the table were two volunteers. They were two ladies of the charitable group that was asking for Christmas donations for their group. Wall Mart was doing their part by providing the space to let the group meet the public. However few people were stopping by the table. My guess is that it wasn’t because of the people’s lack of charitable interests – but likely because of who was at the table.

The two ladies sitting there were very different from each other. One had a very slight smile on her face that would slip to her lips once in a while – she was trying to be happy. Maybe she was watching the happy greeter at the front door enjoy herself. Beside the ‘almost happy volunteer’ was the most unhappy person in the store. She sat motionless with her arms crossed over her body. Her gaze didn’t catch anyone walking by the table. SHE DID NOT WANT TO BE THERE and you could easily see it! The poor woman was broadcasting absolute anger or agony or terror or disgust or something… It appeared that if she was to smile she would explode. The woman sitting beside her made a small comment to her as I passed the table – and there was no reply. I stood back and watched her… but nothing changed. Wow! I felt sorry for her… what a painful thing to have her have to volunteer.

Second Thought…
I felt so sorry for her that I ALMOST walked over and shouted “Hang on Lady… life will be over soon… you will die like the rest of us… but for now… BE HAPPY or GO HOME!!!!” The lady beside her struggled for another word to her ‘arm crossed and miserable partner’. It was then that my heart went out to the almost happy volunteer, this lady was another Hero.

Hero Number Three…
As I walked away from the volunteer’s table the people flowed by me like a river – almost all negotiating heavily laden shopping carts. Old and young alike playing the ‘shopping cart bumping game’. One cart however was sitting half full and not moving. A young man about twelve was standing nearby the electronics section. In front of him was a display of a very popular “guitar computer game” – the boys his age all love it. He was guarding his mom’s shopping cart and staring at the display.

Then it happened… he picked up the ‘guitar computer game’ package…looked left and right… then carefully placed it in the shopping cart along with the other items… grinning slightly to himself. His mom won’t discover the guitar until after they get home and they begin to unpacked the Wall Mart plastic bags. She has so much in the cart that she will never know. He walked a little ways from the cart to assume his almost bored attitude as he guarded the cart. I walked on thinking, “He is in trouble tonight… oh boy.”

As I came back toward the front of the store walking past the 12 year old – HE WAS IN TROUBLE NOW! His mom had caught him and his deceitful act of covering the ‘guitar computer game’ under the other parcels. The young fellow had forgotten that MOMS DON’T FORGET what they place in their shopping cart – and – most important MOMS DON’T FORGET AT ALL.

As I passed the cart and the two of them her words were strong and straight out there… “We don’t buy our own gifts Jeremy. People buy gifts for us… that is why they are called gifts! Don’t try that again!”

I JUST HAD TO SAY SOMETHING! The poor young fellow had no smile on his face, his head was down and she was killing his Christmas Spirit. There was no smile now… he was looking at the ‘guitar computer game’ and slowly lifting it from the shopping cart with more internal pain than anyone I have ever gazed at. She continued, “Now YOU PUT IT BACK!”

I mean… I JUST HAD TO SAY SOMETHING! So I did. To lighten it a little I introduced myself with, “Excuse me…” I looked at the lady first and then the boy and continued… “Hey – I saw you pick up the guitar and put it in the cart… that was a good one… I have done that too… and I am a grandpa…” I tried to lighten the load the poor kid was under. Mom was quickly trying to analyse this old geezer(me) that had tried to interfere with her discipline. She smiled a little and then went back at him… “PUT it BACK Jeremy!”

I walked away… okay… I tried. Maybe following the feeling to say something isn’t such a good idea… Oh Boy!

Forty five minutes of shopping passed and I was now standing at the cash register area waiting for my wife. I walked back and forth doing the “bored to death husband” thing – possibly letting me wife know that it was time to go. (On the side – I learned this from the caged tiger at the zoo I had visited. It does give a solid message to everyone looking on – they walk around you and your space you have created by the “bored to death husband” thing… kind of fun actually…. A tiger attitude and a “bored to death husband”… same thing.)

Then I saw them. The same 12 year old was walking toward me slowly ahead of his mom and her full shopping cart. They had just cleared the cash registers and it was time to go home. As they passed me – the son first and then the mom… she grinned at me and leaned quickly over to my shoulder and whispered… “I got him into get his hair cut and while he was there I bought it and stashed it in the car without him knowing it…!” She grinned from ear to ear.

I said to her, “You are so cool WAY TO GO!”

Third Thought…
Kid you have one great mom there… that thing wasn’t cheap… and she really loves you. That mom is another Hero!

Christmas Celebration Heroes are all around me. Now I wonder who is watching the “bored to death husband” thing.

~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~