The Speaker's Words Rang in My Ears
When the speaker shared this thought it rang in my ears… and then in my mind. He said …. “Pick a cause”… pick something that will connect you with a community… there is an intersection between your company(life) and the problem in the community – develop a cause connection…”
“Develop a cause connection.”
“Pick something that will connect you with a community.”
“There is a connection between your life (company) and the problem in the community.”
The speaker’s name was Tim Sanders and he was part of the speaker’s list at the Maximum Impact Seminar 2007 last Friday, May 11, 2007. His message was one of many that had grabbed my thoughts and shaken my world. Simple statements but dynamic thoughts delivered with just the right amount of humour.
As I have been mulling over Tim Sanders’ words I have come to some simple first thoughts. Without a “cause connection” to the surrounding community isolation sets in. Without a connection between the needs in the community surrounding your life – there is no life to look forward to. It can be dull if nothing else and even destructive.
Tim Sanders spoke about “Social Value” and the frustration that one can experience when there is poor recognition of Social Value. In one instance he described his first job at a Hot Dog stand – that illustrated the complete lack of Social Value building.
The staff of the Hot Dog stand was instructed at great length as to what to do. For example they must put just the right amount of onions on a hot dog – not too much and not too little. There was constant fear of the mistake that could be made. When a mistake was made by the staff member, he or she was forced to wear a “Stupid Hat”… a large white hat with the word Stupid written on the front – worn for a whole day. To say that this was a negative experience is putting it lightly. All that mattered to the owner was doing the job perfectly – with little thought of the employee or the world that was being waited on.
Tim Sanders spoke about Social Value being defined as 1.) Good People.. 2.) In a good mood.. 3.) Doing good work for the world..
Tim suggested that when a person is connected to a world outside of their own – a cause in the community – their personal work will improve radically – even if it is a Hot Dog stand. He gave a number of illustrations that helped me to see how effective this was in the business world. Hmmm?
Bringing it home….
As I have reflected on these dynamic thoughts I asked the question how this sits with people that I work with in the church setting - with the “Ordinary people” that face regular problems in a regular community. A number of these ordinary people have ordinary problems at home and in their personal lives. Some work and some are retired. All have busy schedules that involve family and friends close to them. Most of it keeps them all busy on personal things. Some are caught in meaningless task of jobs that they actually hate.
Their jobs, at times, seem like Tim Sanders’ job at the Hot Dog stand – and they wear the Stupid Hat too many times.
The answer seems to be simple – find something outside of their life – a cause – and then get involved. But the seriously sad part is the world is isolated from them and there is no linkage. Their own job doesn’t yet have the dynamic stuff that Tim Sanders spoke about. Their life is even more removed from that ‘cause’ related world – that problem filled world.
Many people are viewing a cause filled world on their Big Screen, High Definition Television and think they understand. They are awed by the sights, sounds and even the colour – but will never get their hands near or dirty. They will view the horror of a Slum from their big Comfy Couch. They will comment on the terror of the local community but never leave the security of their locked homes.
There is no connection to any cause. Their closest connection is a visit to their own Doctor’s Office. Here they sit with other hurting people – but never talk to them or interact in any way. Everyone is hurting and many are from very different backgrounds – but the rules of the Big Comfy Couch are in place… break it and you will wear a “Stupid Hat”.
Now bringing it even closer to home…
In our community we have a ‘cause’ that we are all deeply concerned about. It may not be recognized by all of the residents but most are acting and reacting to it. There is fear of personal safety. Is the Community Safe?
There are men coming from prison that have some really bad rap sheets. These men could live beside these good folks – and that would be frightening – at least the newspapers tell us we should be afraid.
A “Safe Community” is a cause. The local chaplaincy program in Peterborough, Ontario works continually to build and maintain a safe community. It is an under funded cause – that is right under our nose. It is not a romantic issue, in a far away land, that appears regularly by fund raisers on our TV sets. It is a quiet ministry that works with men and women that are completely broken and in need of rebuilding. They are people that just want to get on with life – but are threatened by just walking outside.
Could you be looking for or in need of a cause? Could a good cause, that you could easily help with, change your world and their world too?
I know it could. It has changed mine.
Now you may well be reading this from a long ways from Peterborough, Ontario. If that is the case – there will still be a Chaplain – someone in your community – that needs help.
Find them. Call them. Help them. Get involved. This cause is waiting for you… and it will change your life.
~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~
PS – Locally – you can contact Dan Haley, Peterborough Community Chaplain at 705-741-4172 or 705-750-5942 and 705-741-4833 (Fax) –
Office E-mail
Dan’s personal e-mail
Web site
And the New Beginnings House
A Testimony of What Chaplaincy Does So Well... by Bob
NEW Beginnings is just what it says, a new beginning. Coming out of prison and learning how to adjust to normal living conditions is a challenge for anyone. Coming to a new community brings even more challenges and added pressure. With very little money, and nowhere to go, I came to realize that I would probably have to live in a crack house or some run down rooming house. I couldn’t handle that and my first thought was, I wanted to stay in prison, I felt comfortable there. I’m not ashamed to admit, I was scared, and totally lost. Enter Peterborough Community Chaplaincy and new beginnings. I met with Dan Haley (PCC) while in prison. Our conversation lasted nearly an hour and by the time it was over I knew where I was going. Dan offered me a place to stay and he was going to set up a support group for me. For those of you who do not know what a support group is, it is a group of people from the community who are willing to accept you into their lives, work with you and give you all the support you need. One major step that I have learned deals with, accountability. I’m accountable to myself, my support group and the community I live in. Our main objective at New Beginnings is “NO MORE VICTIMS”
When I arrived in Peterborough I was surprised to see how welcomed I was received. The people at the house made me feel comfortable and relaxed. The house was huge, neat and clean. I felt relieved knowing that I made the right choice. My support group was in place within a month and the relationship I have with them now is unbelievable. Some take me out to golf and sporting advents. There are others who have brought me into their homes and made me feel like a part of their family, I wasn’t alone any more. Where would I be if it wasn’t for this organization, in prison, on the street and alone! Just that thought alone scares the pants off me. It has been 2 years since my arrival here at PCC New Beginnings and life has treated me good. I now feel like a normal human being again. Most important to me is knowing that I have support, not only from my support group but from the police department and my parole officer as well. . It’s with this kind of intervention from Circles of Support and Accountability that makes the transition from prison life to community living an easy one. There are no more fears, or worried whether or not I would be accepted. New Beginnings is needed not only here but in all cities. With support from our communities and Gods help, New Beginnings can become a reality for every city within our country. The need is there are you?
“Develop a cause connection.”
“Pick something that will connect you with a community.”
“There is a connection between your life (company) and the problem in the community.”
The speaker’s name was Tim Sanders and he was part of the speaker’s list at the Maximum Impact Seminar 2007 last Friday, May 11, 2007. His message was one of many that had grabbed my thoughts and shaken my world. Simple statements but dynamic thoughts delivered with just the right amount of humour.
As I have been mulling over Tim Sanders’ words I have come to some simple first thoughts. Without a “cause connection” to the surrounding community isolation sets in. Without a connection between the needs in the community surrounding your life – there is no life to look forward to. It can be dull if nothing else and even destructive.
Tim Sanders spoke about “Social Value” and the frustration that one can experience when there is poor recognition of Social Value. In one instance he described his first job at a Hot Dog stand – that illustrated the complete lack of Social Value building.
The staff of the Hot Dog stand was instructed at great length as to what to do. For example they must put just the right amount of onions on a hot dog – not too much and not too little. There was constant fear of the mistake that could be made. When a mistake was made by the staff member, he or she was forced to wear a “Stupid Hat”… a large white hat with the word Stupid written on the front – worn for a whole day. To say that this was a negative experience is putting it lightly. All that mattered to the owner was doing the job perfectly – with little thought of the employee or the world that was being waited on.
Tim Sanders spoke about Social Value being defined as 1.) Good People.. 2.) In a good mood.. 3.) Doing good work for the world..
Tim suggested that when a person is connected to a world outside of their own – a cause in the community – their personal work will improve radically – even if it is a Hot Dog stand. He gave a number of illustrations that helped me to see how effective this was in the business world. Hmmm?
Bringing it home….
As I have reflected on these dynamic thoughts I asked the question how this sits with people that I work with in the church setting - with the “Ordinary people” that face regular problems in a regular community. A number of these ordinary people have ordinary problems at home and in their personal lives. Some work and some are retired. All have busy schedules that involve family and friends close to them. Most of it keeps them all busy on personal things. Some are caught in meaningless task of jobs that they actually hate.
Their jobs, at times, seem like Tim Sanders’ job at the Hot Dog stand – and they wear the Stupid Hat too many times.
The answer seems to be simple – find something outside of their life – a cause – and then get involved. But the seriously sad part is the world is isolated from them and there is no linkage. Their own job doesn’t yet have the dynamic stuff that Tim Sanders spoke about. Their life is even more removed from that ‘cause’ related world – that problem filled world.
Many people are viewing a cause filled world on their Big Screen, High Definition Television and think they understand. They are awed by the sights, sounds and even the colour – but will never get their hands near or dirty. They will view the horror of a Slum from their big Comfy Couch. They will comment on the terror of the local community but never leave the security of their locked homes.
There is no connection to any cause. Their closest connection is a visit to their own Doctor’s Office. Here they sit with other hurting people – but never talk to them or interact in any way. Everyone is hurting and many are from very different backgrounds – but the rules of the Big Comfy Couch are in place… break it and you will wear a “Stupid Hat”.
Now bringing it even closer to home…
In our community we have a ‘cause’ that we are all deeply concerned about. It may not be recognized by all of the residents but most are acting and reacting to it. There is fear of personal safety. Is the Community Safe?
There are men coming from prison that have some really bad rap sheets. These men could live beside these good folks – and that would be frightening – at least the newspapers tell us we should be afraid.
A “Safe Community” is a cause. The local chaplaincy program in Peterborough, Ontario works continually to build and maintain a safe community. It is an under funded cause – that is right under our nose. It is not a romantic issue, in a far away land, that appears regularly by fund raisers on our TV sets. It is a quiet ministry that works with men and women that are completely broken and in need of rebuilding. They are people that just want to get on with life – but are threatened by just walking outside.
Could you be looking for or in need of a cause? Could a good cause, that you could easily help with, change your world and their world too?
I know it could. It has changed mine.
Now you may well be reading this from a long ways from Peterborough, Ontario. If that is the case – there will still be a Chaplain – someone in your community – that needs help.
Find them. Call them. Help them. Get involved. This cause is waiting for you… and it will change your life.
~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~
PS – Locally – you can contact Dan Haley, Peterborough Community Chaplain at 705-741-4172 or 705-750-5942 and 705-741-4833 (Fax) –
Office E-mail
Dan’s personal e-mail
Web site
And the New Beginnings House
A Testimony of What Chaplaincy Does So Well... by Bob
NEW Beginnings is just what it says, a new beginning. Coming out of prison and learning how to adjust to normal living conditions is a challenge for anyone. Coming to a new community brings even more challenges and added pressure. With very little money, and nowhere to go, I came to realize that I would probably have to live in a crack house or some run down rooming house. I couldn’t handle that and my first thought was, I wanted to stay in prison, I felt comfortable there. I’m not ashamed to admit, I was scared, and totally lost. Enter Peterborough Community Chaplaincy and new beginnings. I met with Dan Haley (PCC) while in prison. Our conversation lasted nearly an hour and by the time it was over I knew where I was going. Dan offered me a place to stay and he was going to set up a support group for me. For those of you who do not know what a support group is, it is a group of people from the community who are willing to accept you into their lives, work with you and give you all the support you need. One major step that I have learned deals with, accountability. I’m accountable to myself, my support group and the community I live in. Our main objective at New Beginnings is “NO MORE VICTIMS”
When I arrived in Peterborough I was surprised to see how welcomed I was received. The people at the house made me feel comfortable and relaxed. The house was huge, neat and clean. I felt relieved knowing that I made the right choice. My support group was in place within a month and the relationship I have with them now is unbelievable. Some take me out to golf and sporting advents. There are others who have brought me into their homes and made me feel like a part of their family, I wasn’t alone any more. Where would I be if it wasn’t for this organization, in prison, on the street and alone! Just that thought alone scares the pants off me. It has been 2 years since my arrival here at PCC New Beginnings and life has treated me good. I now feel like a normal human being again. Most important to me is knowing that I have support, not only from my support group but from the police department and my parole officer as well. . It’s with this kind of intervention from Circles of Support and Accountability that makes the transition from prison life to community living an easy one. There are no more fears, or worried whether or not I would be accepted. New Beginnings is needed not only here but in all cities. With support from our communities and Gods help, New Beginnings can become a reality for every city within our country. The need is there are you?
I really appreciated Bob’s story, it really shows how much impact people and ministries can have on the lives of others. There are so many worthy causes to make that much needed connection with that can have such a positive influence on the lives of others.
Anonymous, at 10:28 AM
Bob, I really appreciated your testimony. I am on your circle and I am proud of you. Keep up the every day battle to not re-offend. Not for my sake , but for yours. As you and others strive to keep our community safer, we the community become more secure with you and the Transition House. God bless you Bob, and the others in the House.
Your friend, Terry
Unknown, at 7:47 PM
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