Murray Lincoln's Desk - # 2 Now See -

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Soft Answers

From Back to The Bible....

I saw a picture the other day of a small man on his knees praying, "Lord, please make sure my words are soft and sweet, for someday I may have to eat them."

Maybe you need that prayer as you deal with people. Whether it's a cranky parent, an unhappy child or even a careless cashier, it's a challenge to use gracious or "soft and sweet" words when we'd rather criticize or rip apart. Let's see what kind of help God offers.

What Does God Say?
Proverbs 15:1 says "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger" (NLT). This is not natural; we'd rather retaliate with anger or seek to respond in the same way we've been treated. It takes more effort to respond with grace and overcome our natural tendency to fight back.

Grace often means withholding anger, criticism or judgment; it means not saying all that could be said. It includes using good words and speaking the truth for the benefit of others.

Colossians 4:6 reads "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person" ( ESV).

When we respond to others with gracious words, we are walking worthy of our calling, as Ephesians 4:2 describes "with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love" ( ESV).My Thoughts

Go back to Proverbs and flip through Proverbs 15:1,4,7,26,28, and Proverbs 16:21,23-24. Jot down the benefits or positives of good and gracious words.
  • Describe a time when your words were not "soft and sweet."
  • How do you think it would have turned out if you had used gracious words?
  • Have you seen the benefits of a gracious response in your own experience? A time when you used gracious words or when someone responded to you with grace?
My Part
You probably know someone who is hard to respond to with grace. Based on what you've read today, outline a few steps you can take to show a more gracious response the next time. Are there things to say? Or not say? What can you do now to be prepared?

Psalm 19:14 is a prayer you can use before you next meet this person:

"May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heartbe pleasing to you,O LORD, my rock and my redeemer" (NLT).

Additional Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, 13.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Announcing Baby Catania has arrived

Baby Catania arrived at 9 PM on April 25, 2006 to Christina and Michael Catania. Baby Catania is a 9 Pound 4 ounce Baby Boy. He is pictured here with his mommy and also his Grandpa and Grandma Mastrilli.

This is one very healthy Baby Boy! Congratulations to Christina and Michael.

Leader's Insight: Breaking Da Vinci

The following article is a good one as we approach the time that The Da Vinci Code is released. The following article is taken from Leadership Journal.

Leader's Insight: Breaking Da Vinci
A pastor's response to The Da Vinci Code phenomenon and the doubts it raises.
by James Emery White, guest columnist

The DaVinci Code has been atop The New York Times bestseller list and since it was released three years ago. Not even the release of a new John Grisham novel knocked it off. It inspired a one-hour ABC News special. Now it's a major motion picture starring Tom Hanks.

At first glance the plot isn't anything that stands out above normal mystery fare. It starts off with the murder of a curator at the Louvre in Paris, leads to a trail of clues found in the work of Leonardo DaVinci, and the discovery of a centuries-old secret society. It's a page-turner. But that's not what has grabbed our attention. It's that the clues of Leonardo's work and the mission of the secret society revolve around the Holy Grail.

This Holy Grail is not put forward as what we traditionally think of as the Holy Grail, the chalice that Jesus used during the Last Supper. The novel identifies the Holy Grail as the bloodline of Jesus and suggests that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and the mother of his child. And because she bore descendants, she is, in fact, the Holy Grail. After the crucifixion, she fled with their child to the south of France where they established the Merovingian line of European royalty, which then became the basis of a secret society to preserve that bloodline and to protect the secret until it was time to make it known to the wider world.

Along the way, author Dan Brown also suggests the church invented the deity of Jesus, and it's all been covered up primarily by a secretive Catholic group known as Opus Dei. Let's consider the claims Brown's novel makes:

Were Jesus and Mary married?
The Bible says Mary was a devoted follower of Christ, liberated from a terrible torment by Jesus. She gave the rest of her life to serving him and his cause. She was present at his crucifixion and burial, and was the first person Jesus appeared to following his resurrection. She was a remarkable woman, honored throughout Christian history.

Brown takes what the Bible says and adds to the tale significantly. A character states that Mary was married to Jesus and the marriage is a matter of historical record. That's simply not true.
There is no accepted historical record whatsoever to that effect.

Are the Gospels wrong?
Brown claims the early church suppressed up to 80 alternate accounts of the life and teaching of Jesus and arbitrarily chose the four we have today in order to suppress accounts that elevated Mary.

As a scholar in systematic theology, I can say that no biblical scholar I'm aware of has any knowledge of 80 alternate gospels floating around from the 1st century. The four Gospels we have are there because they were credible. These four were universally affirmed as being authentic, eyewitness accounts of Jesus.

What Brown wants to lift up are those documents that began to be circulated much later. Those include one that claimed to be the gospel of Mary Magdalene, in which the author writes that Mary was loved by Jesus above all women, that she was a leader among the apostles, that she had been given secret knowledge by Jesus, and that the other apostles, particularly Peter, were all threatened by her. No scholar of note buys that; neither does the textual historical evidence of their dating support that.

Did the church invent Jesus' divinity?
One of his characters says almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false. Brown claimed the idea of the deity of Jesus was created out of thin air in A.D. 325 at the Council of Nicea. Brown argues that in this council, church leaders wanted to consolidate their powerbase, create a divine Christ, and an infallible Scripture even though no one believed it up to that point in time.

Brown is right about one thing. In the course of Christian history, few events are more significant than the Council of Nicea. The Roman Emperor Constantine recently had converted to the Christian faith, and he called bishops together from all around the world, not to figure out what to believe but to affirm it.

The council resulted in what we know today as the Nicene Creed, a statement clearly affirming the Trinitarian nature of God and the divinity of Jesus. The Creed passed 298 to 2. Christians overwhelmingly from the beginning worshiped Jesus as Savior and Lord, and every major Christian writer and thinker leading up to Nicea from the earliest documents of the early church testifies to this.

Christianity will stand up under scrutiny
Let me add a personal, pastoral word about this. When it comes to books like this or any other medium that's out there, go to the sources. Read what the Bible really says. Look at the history of the early church. Check it out. If Christianity is true, it will stand up under any amount of intellectual or historical scrutiny.

The Bible warns spiritual seekers to be careful here: "Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned … I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ" (Galatians 1:7-8, 11-12).

Somebody needs to break The Da Vinci Code, not for the reasons the author argues, but because the truth it distorts is so important to know. This distortion desperately needs to be revealed.

James Emery White is senior pastor of Mecklenberg Community Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. This column is excerpted from a sermon, "There's Something About Mary," published in issue 257.

Wisdom from Will Rogers

Someone passed the following email content along to me about Will Rogers. Many of you may have read the same.

Receiving this spawned an idea to read more about Will Rogers. Did you know that there is an official Will Rogers Web Site?

On the site I clicked on to one link that lead to a story of Will Rogers and a Fly Girl - Sophie Mary, Lady Heath - a well known lady pilot of the day.

If you take time to read it you will see a side of Will Rogers that is fascinating. He believed in marriage and was true to his wife.... yet the woman described in the story did everything to tear that reputation to shreds. The nightmare of one lunch meeting for Will Rogers would last a life time. Click on the line above or this one to read more.

Now in a day and age of the early 1900s, the world that Will Rogers lived in was not much different from ours. Gossip raged about popular people. The man's life was constantly on parade.

In 2006, you will find your life constantly on parade as well. How you and I live our lives is so very important.
Will Rogers, who died in a plane crash with Wylie Post in 1935, was probably the greatest political sage this country has ever known. These are some of the quotes from Will Rogers.

1. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

3. There are 2 theories to arguing with a woman...neither works.

4. Never miss a good chance to shut up.

5. Always drink upstream from the herd.

6. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back in your pocket.

8. Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.

9. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

10. If you're riding' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.

11. Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier'n puttin' it back.

12. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.


First ~ Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.

Second ~ The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.

Third ~ Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.

Fourth ~ When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.

Fifth ~ You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.

Sixth ~ I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.

Seventh ~ One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.

Eighth ~ One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.

Ninth ~ Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.

Tenth ~ Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called golf

And finally ~ If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you are old.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Quality of Life

This past week while visiting one of our senior ladies I was encouraged by her insights and words spoken.

We were discussing the changes in our lives as we lose some of our mobility and have to change our way of doing things. Some of us will need a cane to walk, others will use a walker, and still others may have to use a wheel chair.

As we spoke she shared how it was all a matter of choice as we face the future - whatever it might be.

She shared how she had just read a book that described a time in the author's life when he had undergone a problem with his heart. The problem was serious and had required surgery of some sort.

The story related that after the surgery for the heart problem the author had come for a check up and post-op consultation with his doctor. The doctor said some important words to the man.

"I have fixed your heart problems now you have to make a choice of what you do with the rest of your life. You must chose the quality of life you will live."

It was apparent that the man's choices up to that time had helped to worsen the condition of his heart. Now making better choices he would live longer and it would be better for his heart.

The senior that I spoke with related it to her own life as she had read the book. Only she was responsible for the quality of her own life. No one else had that control or would impose on her some life style that wasn't her own. AND most importantly she would not blame anyone for what was happening to her. She would accept each day as they came along and live with what she now has - to enjoy her quality of life. She would also adjust to the circumstances that she found herself in at the time.

As I have viewed many different people with their changes in life and health it has been very easy to see what she is referring to with the quality of life. Some blame and put down others because of their changes. Others have learned to accept with grace what is happening to them.

Another senior that I was with on Friday evening spoke about his eye sight failing. He now has AMD - age related macular degeneration. In his prime years he has completed a number of creative projects where he used his eyesight often. Now he cannot see who the man is ten feet from him... and up close work is very difficult. His creative work is done now.

His attitude was amazing as he told of what he faced now. There was a gentle acceptance.

Has he quit? No. He has just returned from a six month stay in Africa where he had been teaching young pastors all that he can in conversation with them.

I know that circumstances will dictate what happens at times. Because of physical loss we may lose our abilities in certain areas. But that will not dictate a quality of life. We are responsible for that. Circumstances may change at a work place - but that does not affect a quality of life. We do... our attitude will for sure.

May your choices this week have a powerful affect on your quality of life - towards a powerful new quality of life.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Need for Prayer

I received this urgent email yesterday from Prasad and Dawn Samson. You may know that they live in India and have been to Northview before they moved to India. Our 39 the Second Time came to know them well.

Dear Friends,
As you know when the kingdom of God begins to grow Satan becomes very angry. Over the past few weeks God has been really blessing our ministry. At the same time our family has been under the enemies attack.

To start the story, Dawn had developed an infection on her left little finger. The doctor advised us that she should remove the nail since the infection had spread under her nail. We wanted to wait until after Easter to remove it. The plan was to remove the nail on Monday the 17th. On Monday I received a call from one of our Church planting team members concerning a possibility of planting a church in a village called Singaperuman Koil .We changed the plan and decided to make a visit to the village, Dawn and the children decided to stay home.

After returning from the village I stopped at my parent’s home to talk about planting the church. While I was there the sky became very dark and it started to rain with heavy thunder and lighting. Suddenly a bolt of lighting struck my parents house. Inside of the house turned red for a second and there was a loud noise like something breaking. As soon as it finished we started to look around to see if everyone was O.K. Everyone seemed to be alright and then we noticed one of our staff (Amos ) lying on the floor he had been struck by lighting. Amos had been standing right behind me and had been trying to close a window. He was unconscious for over an hour. The lightening was so strong that all the electrical and electronic equipment in my parent’s house has been burned out and the roof was damaged. (The photo is of Amos and his wife. )

The next day Amos was not feeling well so I decided to take him to the hospital. Again Dawn and the girls stayed at home, this was very unusual because about 90 % of the time we travel together. I drove the vehicle to the hospital and on our way back my breaks failed and we hit a bus. Thank the Lord we did not get hurt but the vehicle was badly damaged in the front. One miraculous thing was Amos who usually sits in the front passenger seat when I drive went and sat in the back seat. I did not ask him why he went to the back. The front passenger side was hit and received the most damage, thank the Lord he decided to sit at the back this one time! He could have been badly hurt.

The spiritual battle is so real and so strong we face this kind of things on a regular basis. Please keep our family and Staff in your everyday prayers. Please pray for Amos as of today he is emotionally and physically ill. He is suffering from muscle contractions and is in the hospital as we right this letter to you.

Soon we will be releasing our news letter and you can see why the enemy put up this kind of fight.

In Him

Prasad & Dawn Samson
(Church planting, Evangelism, Orphanage and equipping national ministers)
E-mail: OR

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

God's Appointments

Yesterday I had planned to get five things done on my "Honey Do List". I began with a bang and by 10:30 AM I had all the necessary parts bought and the equipment rented.

At 10:35 AM we received a call asking for help. We began the journey with a special young lady and spent the day with her.

She does need our prayer today. Thank you for taking her under your wings as you pray for her.

By late afternoon I had the tasks on my list done. We were able to help her and the end is in sight.

God has special appointments that are always in his timing.

What has he planed for you today?

Monday, April 17, 2006

A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime - April 17, 2006

My friend Terry shared with me some of the most valuable things a man can grasp. He said “People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime”. Wow what a truth there is in that statement. Here are some examples for me today….

Account Number 1
The neighbour that I asked you to pray for passed away last Monday. Thursday was his funeral.

I had the wonderful opportunity to share with ALL OF MY NEIGHBOURS .… the simple message that God loves them and they can know him as well. It was my Easter wish at this time of year.

I found out at the funeral that one of his relatives is a born again Christian and attends a born again on fire Baptist church locally. She asked if he was born again when he passed away. My answer was yes. What a wonderful moment to connect.

The funeral lunch was one God moment after another. God arranged meetings with this time with people I never have met before – yet they knew me and were blown away with what was said and done.

A reason and a season for sure – maybe a lifetime.

Account Number 2
In 1998 I met Yudell Haggart, a prayer warrior at Northview. About 7 years ago Yudell and Jim discovered where his family was. He had been adopted. During his life time he had run an Esso Service Station in Peterborough. One of the men in the community had worked for the Public Utilities Commission and had come to Jim's garage often. They knew each other for many years. Well as it worked out this man was Jim's brother.... who was also connected to a very large family that Jim's mother had after she let Jim be adopted out.

When Jim passed away all of the family came to the funeral. On Thursday they called me to do another funeral for one of the other brothers. What an opportunity to share the gospel again this past Saturday.

A reason and a season for sure – maybe a lifetime.

Account Number 3
After the Good Friday service the telephone rang at home and I was asked to come to the hospital. I went to help a family to work through the process of the unexplained and sudden death of their 18 year old daughter. This 18 year was a young mom of an 8 month old baby.

A reason and a season for sure…

Account Number 4
On Thursday we arrived back at the church to find a close friend of ours crying. She works at the Day School – Christine Milley had just found out that Garry was taken to the Sunny Brook Medical Centre with severe pain in his back and side.

After she was finished work (and we had met with Jim Haggart’s family concerning the Saturday funeral) – we left for Toronto.

We arrived just as they were taking Garry in for further tests. It was the RIGHT TIME.

A reason and a season for sure – a lifetime definitely!

Account Number 5
While working through the funeral and helping the Milleys on Thursday I was drawn further into the affairs of a Mr. Li – a prisoner in one of the Federal Institutions. His family lives in the USA and China. Because of Mr. Li’s crime he is to be deported to China in June. His family is quite sure that he will be executed in July. The family in the USA called and the contacts in Vancouver contacted me as well – finally the lawyer’s office in Toronto called too.

They trust me as a friend of Mr. Li. I have prayed and talked with him when I attended the Chinese New Year’s celebration inside of the Prison.

A reason and a season for sure – maybe a lifetime.

Account Number 6
Sunday morning was a wonderful church service. It was Easter Sunday!

In our service we had the privilege to welcome some special people.

Randy and Jan came to our service. They sat on a pew with a plaque on it remembering his grandmother. Last year I had the blessing of being able to participate in their marriage in our church.

A reason and a season for sure – definitely a lifetime.

Account Number 7
In the church service we also welcomed four young men from the Mormon church. I was able to speak with them afterwards. These are sharp young men from Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Scotland.

A reason and a season for sure – they celebrated Easter with us! What a blessing for us.

Account Number 8
Sunday morning there was another miracle in a family. At this point unspoken –but some day soon we will hear what God has done.

These 8 accounts happened over four days….. a reason and a season for sure – maybe a lifetime.

The words of my friend Terry are so helpful to remember what God is doing now.

May you week be blessed.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday and My Yesterdays

What is good about today?

Today has been influenced with all that has happened yesterday. Sometimes when we wake up we are sore from the work of yesterday. Other times we have a bad taste in our mouths from the pizza of last night. Then there are days that we wake up smiling because last night was so special... so many wonderful memories.

We are strongly influenced by what has happened in the yesterdays.

After giving my life to Jesus, the next day was amazing. I remembered what I had done when I had invited Jesus into my life. I had asked him to take my sins away and become my Lord. I told him I believed he was my Saviour and I wanted to live for Him.

That next day was different because of how I had prayed and most importantly - what He started to do when I prayed.

It was later that I would realize that the event of a long time ago - one of the most important "yesterdays" - had made the greatest difference. Jesus had died on a cross for me. He gave His life so that I might be free.

I can hardly fathom it. Everyone of my horrible "yesterdays", filled with sin that had hurt me and others, was now covered by one special "yesterday" - Good Friday - the day that Jesus gave his life for me. The day that He made it possible for my "yesterdays" to stop having the powerful hold on me.

Today I give God praise for a Cross and a grave. Today I remember what He did for me.

My today has been influenced with all that happened on that one special yesterday.

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Father for loving me so much!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

History of the Azuza Street Revival - 100 years ago this week

On Wednesday evening, April 12, 2006, we continued to look at the The New Century Awakening of 1904 - 1912. Together in this Bible Study we traveled to Topeka, Kansas; Houston, Texas; and then Los Angeles.

You may remember that in the New Century Awakening God was moving mightily in many places around the world. It was as if a new fire started in almost every country at the same time. Reports poured in from many corners of the earth. One of those places was Wales - where the great Welsh Revival took place.

Around the turn of the Century in Topeka, Kansas a man by the name of Rev. Parham launched an unusual Bible College. In the college there was no books except the Bible itself. Students that came to study here would take up a question of some sort and then with only the Bible they would search the scripture for an answer - taking days and weeks to pour over the one thought.

Rev. Parham was known to be against the other kind of structured Bible College study.

Each student was encouraged to "live by faith" - in very humble circumstances.

Parham also moved to the Houston, Texas area to expand the Bible College teaching.

One of his students in Topeka was an African American man named William J. Seymour from Centerville, Louisiana. Seymour was encouraged to go to study with Parham's Bible College in Houston. He moved there to find out that the segregation laws were very strict - he was not an African American then - he was a black man/a coloured man - and they were not allowed to sit in a classroom with the whites. So Seymour sat in the hallway outside the class room and took notes from there.

Seymour moved from Houston to Los Angeles upon and invitation from a black lady pastor of a Holiness church that was struggling. She felt that the 36 year old Seymour would be a possible pastor/preacher for the church.

One major problem was to be encountered as he moved to this city. Parham's teaching were part of his life. He preached, as did Parham, that the initial evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit was that you "spoke in other tongues". Seymour had not yet had that happen to himself but he preached it with conviction.

The lady minister that had allowed him to preach in her church with the idea of him working there.... locked the doors of the church to keep him out. He was fired before he began.

Not to be deterred he continued to preach and pray in the home where he was staying on a street called Bonnie Brae. Here God moved in on them in a mighty way and the greatest movement in church history began - called the Pentecostal Movement.

Read about the whole story here. The History of the Azuza Street Revival.

Last Sunday was the 100th anniversary since the first outpouring of God's Spirit in Los Angeles on April 9 1906. Seymour was personally filled with the Holy Spirit after he preached about it on April 12, 1906 - 100 years ago yesterday.

Now fast forward a few years and this great blessing of God came to the southern part of Saskatchewan - where his Holy Spirit worked in powerful ways.

The following account will help you get one small glimpse into the power of this Pentecostal Movement in a local community thousands of miles from Los Angeles - but right in the heart of God.

The lady that wrote this story, one of many, is a woman that I knew. Her son Bobby is a friend of mine. He is a wee bit older than I am.

Read and be overwhelmed by the power of God. May you know your own Pentecost today - 100 years later.

A real life short story of the Power of God by Lucy Ellen Eaton

I stiffened in fright as my baby's anguished scream momentarily immobilized me. Then dropping the dish I held, I sped into the living room, afraid at what I would see, yet now knowing.

Four year old David had been pestering me all morning to let him have the scissors to cut pictures out of an old catalogue; but it was not until I had put the baby to sleep on the couch, with chairs and cushions placed to keep him from rolling off, that I had given David the scissors he'd been asking for.

While at work in the kitchen I hadn't heard the baby awaken. It still wasn't time for his nap to be ended but he was screaming!

"What is the matter?" I cried, as I ran into the living room.

David was sitting on the floor near the couch, an open pair of sharp pointed barber scissors in his hand. His eyes and mouth were opened in wide alarm at what he'd done. In front of him sat our year old baby, Bobby. At the sound of my voice he turned toward me, still screaming, and I saw his eye. Indelibly imprinted on my memory is that one quick glimpse of a gaping, horizontal gash that cut right across the iris, and from which was gushing, in angry red spurts, my darling's life blood.

In the moment it took to scoop him into my arms I realized our hopeless predicament.

It was the "Dirty Thirties", and we were in Saskatchewan's south eastern dust bowl, now covered in knee deep snow drifts, as it was the middle of January. We were nearly twelve miles from the nearest town and doctor, and we had no phone. My husband had taken the team and rack early that morning to get a load of straw from Alameda, and wouldn't be back until late that night. He had gone to get a load of the Manitoba straw that had been shipped in for the farmers in our area to feed to our gaunt stock. I was all alone, except for the two children, with no one to turn to.

That an artery had been pierced in my baby's eye, I knew by the color of the blood, the way it spurted. I knew too, that there was no point of pressure whereby I could staunch the flow that was draining the life from my baby.

Instinctively my thoughts turned to God. Unless God undertook, my baby would die in this awful agony he was enduring. His screams cut me like knives, and I wished desperately that I could bear the pain for him.

Then my knees gave way, and I sank to the floor. Fortunately, the couch from which the baby had slipped was before me, and I rested my arms with their precious burden upon it, all my energies taxed with the effort to hold his violently thrashing body to me.

"Oh, God!" I cried in utter desperation, "Heal my baby!" To my­self, I added the words for which I had no more breath . . . "Or I'll die, too!"

As I did so, Bobby stopped screaming. He stopped kicking, and lay perfectly still and quiet in my arms. He was so very motionless that I was suddenly afraid to open my eyes. I had called upon God, not in assurance of answer, but rather, in desperation. I wondered, "Is he ... No! He CAN'T be dead!"

I opened my eyes, and at what I saw, I felt my eyes distend. My adorable baby was gazing wide-eyed and wondering, an angelic look upon his rapt baby face, at a point above and beyond my left shoulder . . . Transfixed, I stared at him. His eyes were clear, unmarked. The horrible gash in his left eye that had been spurting forth so much blood was gone!

In wondering amazement I watched the rapt look disappear from his face. His eyes seemed to search for a vision that had disappeared. Then his glance turned to me. With the most loving little gesture in the world, he patted my cheek, then nestled his face on my shoulder.

Incredulously, I hugged and kissed him, crying all the time from pure joy. Then I noticed David, still sitting holding the scissors — still open mouthed and open eyed. He now put them down on the floor, got to his feet, and came running to me with a happy smile on his face.

"God DID .heal our baby, didn't He?" he affirmed triumphantly. "God made Bobby's eye all better, didn't He, Mommie?"

As I gave him a reassuring hug, I felt as though I'd just awakened from a nightmare to find myself in Heaven. But, Thomas-like, I began searching for possible scratches, or cuts, removing every stitch of the blood stained clothes from his plump little body. There wasn't a mark on him anywhere. Only the terrible blood stains on his clothes and mine, the couch and the floor, remained as mute testimony to the miracle we'd beheld.

As I write this today, Bobby is in his thirties, and has never worn glasses. He had his eyes tested a few times, but was always told that he had 20-20 vision. There isn't even a trace of scar tissue. It was simply an instantaneous miracle. I had called upon his ability, and He had answered, for with God all things are possible

Blog Note: Lucy Ellen Eaton wrote this almost 40 years ago. I know Bobby personally. Bobby retired from the Police force in Regina Saskatchewan a number of years ago – he is a personal friend of mine.

The Scripture that makes sense with all of this....
Joel 2:28-29
28 'And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.(NIV)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Becoming a New Creation

When dealing with the mindset remember the thought that someone, some group or something provided/took/was given an opportunity to gain a mindspace and mindshare within us. All that I see, that I read, that I listen to, that has been placed in my mind is taking a mindspace and mindshare - producing a mindset. All that I was raised in or touched by - good & bad - had an affect on my mindset.

If it is not so good or maybe even bad - only Jesus can help my mindset.

Again looking at the Pilgrim in Pilgrim's Progress. The burden is sin. It is also everything that is wrapped up in our lives. In the third chapter of Pilgrim's Progress you will read the following words....


Christian ran till he came to a hill; upon it stood a cross, and a little below was a tomb.

So I saw in my dream, that just as Christian came up to the cross, his burden loosed from off his shoulders, and fell from off his back, and began to tumble, and so continued to do till it came to the mouth of the tomb, where it fell in, and I saw it no more. Then said Christian with a happy heart, “He hath given me rest by His sorrow, and life by His death.” Then he stood still awhile to look and wonder; for it was very surprising to him that the sight of the cross should thus ease him of his burden. He looked, therefore, and looked again, even till the springs that were in his head sent the water down his cheeks.

Now, as he stood looking and weeping, behold, three Shining Ones came to him, and saluted him, with “Peace be to thee.” So the first said to him, “Thy sins be forgiven thee”; the second stripped him of his rags, and clothed him with a change of garments; the third also set a mark on his forehead, and gave him a roll with a seal upon it, which he bade him look on as he ran, and that he should give it in at the heavenly gate; so they went their way. Then Christian gave three leaps for joy, and went on, singing:

“Thus far did I come laden with my sin;
Nor could aught ease the grief that I was in,
Till I came hither; what a place it this!
Must here be the beginning of my bliss?

Must here the burden fall from off my back?
Must here the strings that bound it to me crack?
Blest cross! blest sepulchre! blest rather be
The Man that was there put to shame for me!”

Does that describe what happens to us or what?

Jesus rolls the burden down the hill and into the open grave - for us to never see it again.

We can't run after it and take it back. Personally I don't want it anymore. I need to let it go.

The Bible says....
2 Corinthians 5:17-21

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.20 We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.(NIV)

This Easter - that is the power of our message and our lives -
"I am a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

"Are we living as a new creation?" is the question that all of us live with now.

"Jesus, today I ask for an abundance of your Grace to help me understand how free I really am. Only you can help me. In your name I ask it. Amen."

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Warped Mindsets

Continuing along this train of thought... What about the Warped Mindset?

When we use the word Warped - we think of something that was straight and even before, but now it is twisted and bent out of shape. Some of the best pieces of wood that I have found - at least the best for colour and evenness of grain - have been useless - because they are warped.

I have met some people that have talents and abilities that would amaze anyone. Yet they are warped and twisted in their minds.

Now I know that sounds less than complimentary. Let me explain.

Over these years I have witnessed the affect of the past on people. What they lived with and what they were subjected to has made a huge difference on their outlook of life now. Being put down and discouraged has left one person unable to cope with the present life they are facing. yet the opportunity in the present life is so amazing. In another case the past has produced a violent and difficult person to live with.

These are only two that I relate here.

The result is one that is not good.

Sin and personal choices does that in people. Many do not stop to realize what they are doing at this moment has an affect on their own family in a few years time and maybe for a very long time.

The good news is Jesus takes care of cleaning minds up. In Pilgrim's Progress there is an account of the pilgrim carrying a heavy load. All he had to do was give it up.

We all carry loads. If we are honest there are times that we have rather warped mindsets and it has a great affect on those around us.

A pastor wrote to me lately sharing how the ministry and the people that he had to deal with had left him in a broken state. As he shared my heart went out to him. Here was tremendous potential that was given so freely. People that were angry and hurtful had laid it on him. He in turn had ministered to their needs as best he could - until finally he broke too. Their weight pushed on to him hurt him and his family. They left the ministry to find restoration and healing.

Warped people have a way of passing on their warped-ness to others.

Now add to that a world that offers almost any kind of warped thinking and activities free to anyone that would like to added it to their mindshare.... and you have problems.

When most of us grew up computers were still the brain we carry within our skull. Today they are instruments of potential problem. You can hardly go through a week without an announcement about someone being charged with possessing child pornography. Notice that these reports are only the ones that were caught. There are thousands of men that never are noticed.

Can you fathom a world, 15 years from now, that is raised under this kind of warped mindset?

Oh do we ever need God's help.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Changing a Mindset

Have you ever wondered why, after having done all you are able to do to stand strong as a believer, you fall back to old patterns and habits that take you down spiritually?

Some I have worked with have been attacked in the area of lust. Others have been attacked by destructive thinking patterns. Still others suffer great problems with hate and anger that manifests itself at the oddest times... like right after a beautiful time of prayer or spending long periods in the presence of God himself.

Take a look at Moses. Even after spending quality time with God - each day in fact - he still hits the rock (instead of speaking to it) and blows his opportunity to go into the promise land. It happened because he was mad as *&%$. His anger broke opportunity. Later I will share more of this.

For a long time Satan has known our patterns and our habits. His Fiery Darts, delivered by his warriors, are shot at strategic times to penetrate the deepest and do the most damage. His fiery darts likely helped to build and strengthen the habit and pattern in you over these years. Our own enjoyment of the habit keeps it close to us and away from others to see. As an enemy warrior his intent for now is to maim as many as possible so that they will not die - but rather require others to carry them..... thus for everyone shot with a Fiery Dart - it takes two to carry them - making sure that three are out of the battle as a result.

In the Second World War the soldiers used "hard point" bullets for that very reason. The bullet would go right through the enemy's body part - producing great pain and leaving the soldier wounded. The wounded man would require another two of three to carry him off. Or when the fellow soldier would show up to help - the enemy would have another target to hit. Soft point bullets go through but kill instantly.

Sorry about the gore with that illustration. But there is actually far more gore in the body of Christ - the church - than in any other area. Satan is on a rampage to destroy and maim as many as possible. He doesn't want the church going a head.

A Powerful Tool For Men and Women
A few years back an older man shared a story with a group of us younger men. He told us that he had discovered a secret that would help us to stop from falling back into old habits. When we heard him make this statement it was an attention grabber.

Here is his plan of attack.

1.) Make a list of 6 people that are close to you. Keep this list close by - in your purse/wallet, on the refrigerator door or wherever you can get it quickly when you need it. After a short time you will have it memorized - but the action of taking it out is powerful to get you to take the action step.

2.) Recognize when the first Fiery Dart of the enemy is fired. You already know when that is. For years now you have gone through the same pattern. The Dart is fired and sticks deeply into the mind. You then begin the slide towards destructive thinking. When the second Fiery Dart hits - you likely already are making plans to enjoy the pain cycle again.

3.) Immediately when the first Fiery Dart hits - take out the list of 6 people and begin to pray for each one. "Lord wherever John is today, bless him with your presence and let him do great damage to the kingdom of Satan. Lord wherever Ed is today, bless him with your presence and let him do great damage to the kingdom of Satan...." And so on... until you come to the end of your list.

4.) You will likely find that the second Fiery Dart doesn't come. Satan will back away if the response is prayer. Even if he does continue to the attack and more darts are fired - the presence of the Lord's helpers will become so strong that you will be amazed. There is victory.

Let me share this simple diagram.

In the diagram at the left you can see Life is going along quite well until a Fiery Dart is fired from Satan. Almost immediately we "Fall back" or down. It is only a matter of a short time when we begin to find away to take up the old habit. Then we "Act out". After the acting out stage the "Guilt resulting from acting out" is real - we feel remorse and promise God that we will never do it again. We promise to read our Bibles more and promise our families everything.

But the next Fiery Dart comes when Satan feels it should be there. He knows our cycle and the weakness that we suffer so often.

It is often the case with all of us... when we fail - committing sin - we pray for ourselves. We feel terrible with the conviction of what we have done. Most of the time, it is unlikely that we will ever open and talk to someone else about our failures or the even figure out the reason that we failed. But when we pray for another brother or sister - fellow Christian Soldier - we are standing together - side by side on the battle field of life. There is a new victory.

The prayer pattern shared by the older man with us younger men came from Ephesians 6.

Ephesians 6:18-19 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, (NIV)

Notice: This portion of Scripture comes right after we are instructed to put on the whole armor of God - Ephesians 6:10 - 17. This tells about our enemy and how we must prepare ourselves to handle the battle that we will face. We are doing nothing as a Christian Warrior until we pray for others.

Have you noticed that the defeated church is always defeated when the church members begin fighting each other. Satan will fire darts getting people to react and fall. Instead of supporting each other we fight and fall.

The same thing is true about marriages, family relationships and you name it.

Do I use this secret prayer? Yes. And it works - but I have to work at it.

How are you doing right now? Let us know.

Consider this example...
In one setting... we have a group of men that meet each other from week to week in our church. They all work in different jobs and some were retired. From time to time they meet for breakfast together.

They all had issues that they were dealing with. At times they seemed to be able to take on great feats for the Lord and were strong spiritually. Other times some would drop off the radar screen in defeat. Something was happening to make them stop their forward motion spiritually. I was no different than they were. As a pastor I also found that I was affected deeply with issues in my own life. Old temptations (the Fiery Darts Paul talked about) were there leading to failures personally that no one knew about. Other times situations came along to rob me (us) of the victory that we should have had. Together we decided on a new course of action based on Paul's encouragement to the Ephesians to pray for all the Saints everywhere with all kinds of prayer in the Spirit.

Each of us knew the Fiery Darts that would take us down and out. We had recognized the First Fiery Dart when it came. We knew that by the Second Fiery Dart we were either preparing to slip away or maybe beginning to be more interested with the thing or situation that we were being presented with. We also recognized that this was part of the old habits in our lives.
We made a commitment to each other that the six of us would pray for each other regularly. We especially committed ourselves to a special part of prayer for each other. When we recognized the First Fiery Dart was being fired at us - we immediately began to pray for the men in our group and on our list. The prayer was simple - something like this...

"Wherever Ted is today Lord, let him do great damage to the kingdom of Satan. Let him stand strong in his purpose today."

Then... "Wherever Larry is today Lord, let him do great damage to the kingdom of Satan. Let him stand strong in his purpose today."

And... "Wherever John is today Lord, let him do great damage to the kingdom of Satan. Let him stand strong in his purpose today." and so on...

The men began to share how they became even more aware of how and when the Fiery Darts were being fired. They also noticed that when they began to pray, it took some effort but almost immediately they realized that the second or third Fiery Darts never came their way. If the Fiery Dart would cause a man to pray rather than start the "Fail Cycle" - why would Satan's forces send off the next volley?

The men became aware of changes taking place in all areas of their lives. Old habits began slipping away with new and better ones replacing them. Habits in prayer were so much better than ones that they had developed in pornography and/or lust. Words of Anger that lashed out at others were replaced with words of thanksgiving and they became men of praise. These are only a few examples - your group will have more.

One man shared that as a secretary came into his office to ask him for a signature, his mind was flooded with lustful thoughts about her. He was stunned by the thoughts that filled his mind. Immediately he began praying for the other men on his list. When he told of what happened next his eyes lit up, "It was like a black cloud began to lift from above my head and mind. I continued to pray for all the guys and the thoughts were gone. Before when that kind of thing happened to me I would let the thoughts keep coming and I let them become a part of my whole life. If I saw the woman again the original thoughts flooded back.... they even came to me when I was with my wife."

The men began to walk in a new victory. Yes there were new battles to fight. New Fiery Darts or maybe Old Fiery Darts that we were unaware of from the past were brought back.

WARNING: As you improve, winning some victories and are able to begin to understand the cycles that you go through, you will begin to know a victory over the immediate problem - WARNING other challenges will begin to show up. One habit is likely an extension of other habits. You didn't begin to be involved in Pornography one day. Another habit was there before Porn. You didn't decide to commit adultery one day, lust was there before that episode.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Mindset, Mindspace and Mindshare

We talked about Mindset, Mindspace and Mindshare... powerful things in our life today. Our minds are full of much. One person suggested that perhaps we need to defrag our minds of all that has cluttered there over the years. Good idea - the same as we do for our computer hard drives when it starts to slow down.

Let's do a little test of you Mindset, Mindspace and Mindshare. Read the following... and see what happens inside of you.
  • "You wonder where the yellow went, when you ..."
  • "Hi Ho Silver ....."
  • "Plop Plop Fizz Fizz oh what a ..........."
  • "A million housewives every day, pick up a tin of beans and say " Beanz Meanz Heinz"
  • I't's Grrrreat !' Kellogs Sugar Frosties !'
  • A Mars a day helps you work rest and play !
  • a tiger in your tank

You likely can finish the sentence if you are about 50 to 60 years old... in some cases you will see a picture as you read the line and finish the words. One person the other night began to sing the jingle.

Inside of our minds are all kinds of compartments that we are responsible for. Yes we are responsible not the school, not the TV, not the advertisers - but we are responsible.

Proverbs 16:22-23 Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it, but folly brings punishment to fools. A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.(NIV)

Proverbs 18:44 The words of a man's mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.(NIV)

It appears that inside of us where this wisdom comes from - are places of storage.

Now what we put into those areas is so important. Tooth Paste and Tony the Tiger have more prominence than other things. I can't remember really important things at times...

As I sit and watch TV - in the middle of the program the advertiser will flash on the screen what they want me to remember. Now picture this... I am 61 year old male, sitting my garage carving last night. I had the TV on watching/listening to a program. The advertiser told me why I needed to consider buying a new feminine hygiene product that is super great with a braided cord now attached. There was the diagram and the picture to remember what it looks like.

Question #1 - Why do I need to know that? I don't need it myself. If anyone that I know does need it - I am sure they will go ask for it at the appropriate store.

Yet my mindspace now has an exact drawing and the necessary info recorded to be ready to purchase this for myself.

I don't need 99% of what is offered in an average night's TV viewing - but I can be sure that I tucked it away inside of me.

The world is trying hard to gain access to my mindspace and take huge chunk of my mindshare to produce a while new mindset.

Is there a Personal Hygiene Product for my mind? Is there something I can plug in to me that will prevent that from happening?

The answer is YES. Paul's words help me know that I have a responsibility for my Mindset, Mindspace and Mindshare....

Phil 4:8-98 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things.9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.(NIV)

I am think I need a whole lot more of the washing of better thoughts an stuff that I allow into me. How about you?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Keeping Your Balance

If you've ever tried to walk a tightrope, you know how difficult it is to keep your balance. It's just about equally difficult to keep your balance when disciplining. Human nature tends to want to either go too easy or too harsh.

When the apostle Paul wrote his first letter to the Christians at Corinth, he rebuked them for failing to discipline one of their members who was living in an intimate relationship with his father's wife. The believers at Corinth took the rebuke to heart and dealt with the issue--but apparently too harshly. Paul then writes again to bring them back to a balanced position.

What Does God Say?

Paul writes: "I am not overstating it when I say that the man who caused all the trouble hurt your entire church more than he hurt me. He was punished enough when most of you were united in your judgment against him. Now it is time to forgive him and comfort him. Otherwise he may become so discouraged that he won't be able to recover. Now show him that you still love him" (2 Corinthians 2:5-8, NLT).

  • What is the purpose of the discipline exercised by the local church?
  • How is the church to respond to those who turn from their sin?
  • If handled incorrectly, what might happen to the one being disciplined?

My Thoughts
When you discipline in your family, to which extreme are you most prone? What are the dangers associated with your approach to discipline?

My Part
Set down with your spouse this week and determine a balanced discipline response for the most common problems in your home. Also discuss how you can demonstrate forgiveness and comfort when the discipline has done its job.

From Back to the Bible Daily Devotional

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The New Century Awakening 1904 -1912

April 5 2006 -

Wednesday night at our Bible Study we discussed some heavy things. It was amazing as we grappled with the issues of spirituality in the church... and in the community.

We talked about Mindset, Mindspace and Mindshare... powerful things in our life today. I will write more about this later. But what was pointed out -our minds are full of much. One person suggested that perhaps we need to defrag our minds of all that has cluttered there over the years. Good idea - the same as we do for our computer hard drives when it starts to slow down.

As we have been studying Revival over these weeks we have seen again and again that God has arrived on the scene to revive the church. Many of the major revivals happened when the good church attendees became Christian. No kidding - the church attendees didn't know God.

They knew about God. They knew about church - but they didn't know God in a personal way.

As we considered "The New Century Awakening 1905 - 1912" we looked at the mighty move of the Holy Spirit has he touched lives around the world. Instead of being in Britain or the United States - God began to move in far away places. The first noted was in Bermuda and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) at the same time. This happened among Boer prisoners of war. Distance was no problem for God - it was 10,000 miles apart.

Then the next place was Wales - where the Welsh Revival was simply amazing. From 1904 to 1905 God moved powerfully to transform whole towns and cities. Check out these - - then click on the How Did the Welsh Revival of 1904-5 Start? The results are amazing! Yet something that we noticed - within one generation the people had lost what had happened.

Looking at the chart here we see that the cycle of revival is very clear. As you proceed around the circle in a clockwise manner you can see where God offers Deliverance at the top... then the renewed/revisited church is touched.... and so on.

In Judges 2 we read of Joshua's death and what happens next. An entire generation turn their back on God and walk away. Remember these are the Children of the Children of God.

Judges 2:10-12
10 But finally all that generation died; and the next generation did not worship Jehovah as their God and did not care about the mighty miracles he had done for Israel.11 They did many things that the Lord had expressly forbidden, including the worshiping of heathen gods. 12 They abandoned Jehovah, the God loved and worshiped by their ancestors-- the God who had brought them out of Egypt. Instead, they were worshiping and bowing low before the idols of the neighboring nations. So the anger of the Lord flamed out against all Israel. He left them to the mercy of their enemies, for they had departed from Jehovah and were worshiping Baal and the Ashtaroth idols.(TLB)

As we discussed this we looked at our own church and how true this was for us. There were some very frank and honest exchanges tonight. Very stimulating to say the least.

We looked at India also - at the same time there was powerful move of God's spirit as well. One person that was written about was John Hyde. Check these sites for more info... and

One of the radical things that John Hyde did was to ask God for one soul every day to be saved through his ministry. At the end of the first year there were over 400 Saved, Baptized and had become members of a church. The next year he asked God for 2 per day to be saved. That happened too. Then he began praying for 4 per day... and God worked again.

This revival was great and covered a world with God's great love.

He died early at 47... but he accomplished so much for God. Why... if he was doing God's work did his heart literally move from one side of his chest to the other?

There is a question that looms in my mind about this business of God moving. Why should one person be responsible for something happening? In two cases that we have above - Evan Roberts in Wales and John Hyde in India seem to both be responsible for the move of God that took place in their area of ministry. Where were the rest and what were they doing?

Is it that... there is only one that is ready and can still hear from God? Is it that God makes that same choice over again - "Moses....", "Gideon....", "Paul...." All of these were called of God - personally and specially. In Paul's case he was even fighting against God and had destroyed and was destroying the church people. That is puzzling to me. How about you?

What is God calling you to do?

Wait for Control - from Back to the Bible

Wait for Control
When it comes to discipline in our home, one good rule of thumb is to always remember who is the parent (adult) and who is the child (immature, childish, just a kid) and to act accordingly. That means the parent is committed to keeping his head (his cool) and his emotions under control. That does not mean that you do not show your displeasure, but that it is directed toward the action and not toward the person of the child. How do you find the balance between discipline under control and punishment from an angry parent? The Bible gives us some guidance.

What Does God Say?
"Don't fail to correct your children. They won't die if you spank them. Physical discipline may well save them from death" (Proverbs 23:13-14, NLT).

"Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged" (Colossians 3:21, NIV).

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4, NIV).

What are the main lessons in these verses?

What do they teach us about how to discipline?

Some Thoughts
Summarize your understanding of what God expects of you, and what your children need in you to become a parent controlled not by emotions but by the Lord.

My Part
Pray now that God would enable you to be the parent He intends for you to be; and pray that God would enable your children to grow up knowing they are loved by God and by you.

Taken from... Back to the Bible April 5 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Slow Salvation of Luke

The Slow Salvation of Luke
Helping someone come to faith is sometimes maddeningly indirect.
by David Hansen( from

Debbie and I arrived home from our church meetings at 9 p.m. Flipping channels, hoping to unwind, we happened upon an old "Tennessee Ernie Ford Show" on PBS. He sat alone, on a bar stool, singing a cappella.

His wavy black hair and trim mustache stayed in place as his torso rocked and his fingers snapped to the rhythm of his backwoods renderings of songs about love and war. Then he told a tale.

"All the modern conveniences these days, I tell ya, they're really sumthin'—why, today, if you're cold at night, ya just turn up the heat on yer 'lectric blanket. Back home, when it got cold at night, ya brought yer hound dawg to bed with ya; and if ya didn't have a hound dawg, you got married."

He joked about President Kennedy paying off Frank Sinatra after the election, so the show must have aired before 1963. The camera angle widened and he stood on a stage with intermittent lights, grays and shadows. Dancers moved through the gray areas, harmonizing as he sang "Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley." I smiled, amused and sentimental.

The lights brightened and the music cheered up as he invited his troupe of young ladies to perform. As they pranced around the stage, with everything's-wonderful smiles, that's when things got serious for me.

"Debbie, one of these young women was Luke's mom. Remember Luke? That big, cowboy-lookin' young man in Montana who died of AIDS?"

"Yes, I remember," she said.

"One of these ladies was Luke's mom . …" The young women frolicked as if their highest aspirations were well within reach, that is, to replace some guy's hound dog. Back-row attenderWhen Luke came to church, he sat in the folding chairs at the back of the sanctuary just below the stained glass windows. That way he could stretch his legs into the aisle between the chairs and back pew.

The windows faced east, so the light shimmered off Luke's thin, blonde hair parted down the middle. His face appeared dark in the shadow, but his thick mustache glowed in the light. He didn't sing. He watched. At times he'd place his elbows on his knees and put his head into his hands. Whether he was awake or asleep, I never knew. He would come a couple Sundays and then be gone for a month or two.

No one seemed to know him, except a young woman with four small children, who began attending about the same time. Sometimes they sat together.

One Sunday he invited me out to lunch. We talked about his work. He'd done a number of things but nothing for very long. Near the end of the meal he got to the point. He had two things on his mind. He wanted a family and he wanted peace with God. He'd gone to church as a kid, but after high school he'd spent 15 years pursuing sex and drugs and not much else. Now he wanted to settle down with a woman—and with God.

He asked for advice on his attachment to the young woman in church. Apparently she couldn't decide between him and another fellow who had lived the same kind of life. He told me that he had tried the Christian thing over and over, but it never stuck. He wanted to know that he was right with God. But he could not feel God's love.

I told him about God's love and His promise to forgive anyone who confesses, but nothing seemed to sink in. He continued to come to church sporadically.

Occasionally he came to my study to talk about love and Jesus. The conversations developed a predictable pattern. They started with his good questions and my dumb answers. When it became obvious I had nothing more to offer, his face got red and teary. Then he lost his temper.

"All I want is to have a normal family, with a wife and kids and peace with God," he cried. "Is that too much to ask? Why can't I have that? I'm so mad at God!" Then he would clench his fists and pound on his knees or shake them in air. "And you can't help me at all. You say you have answers, but nothing works." Then he would leave, slamming the door on the way out.

I don't think I ever gave him a single helpful comment. It frustrated both of us that the solutions that worked for others didn't work for him.

After several years of this, Luke called to make an appointment. I could tell from his voice that something was different this time.

"I need to tell you the truth," he said, "I have AIDS. I got it in Colorado when I was living in Steamboat, using every needle and sleeping with every girl I could get my hands on. I really need your help."

I calmly and clearly promised to be with him throughout his sickness. He needed to hear that, but he wanted to be healed. I promised to pray for him. He still wanted to marry the young lady. She knew about his illness, he assured me, and I believed him. I remember thinking at the time that his chances of getting healed of AIDS were better than marrying the young woman.

Through AIDS awareness programs, Luke began speaking to groups around the state about the dangers of unprotected sex and sharing needles. This did not mean, however, that he stopped having what he considered to be safe sex with various women in town. And his temper was only one of the reasons he could not sustain a relationship with a member of the opposite sex.

During one of his angry tirades, he shouted at me, "How can this Jesus thing work for me? You say God loves me. If he loves me, why doesn't he give me what I want? What do I have to do to please this Guy? He's impossible to deal with—"

This time, he'd pushed my hot button. "Well, for one thing," I said, "if you want to get right with God, you're going to have to stop going to bars in Bozeman for the express purpose of picking up women to have sex with them."

Luke sat without speaking, then cocked his head to the side and said, "Now how in the world am I supposed to stop doing that?"

No answer came to mind. Eventually I said, "I don't know."

He rose and left but he did not slam the door. Sad and angry, I wandered outside along the bank of a creek and prayed for him, and for myself. I realized he possessed no access to the meaning of my words.

I lost track of Luke for a few months, until I heard he was in the hospital with pneumonia. I visited him and prayed for him. He kept asking the same hard, angry questions. I was by no means the only person trying to help. His friends in AA spent far more hours with him than I did. The support personnel in the AIDS awareness programs were there for him. The young woman he loved was kind to him in many positive ways. I was the weakest link in his chain of friends.

Luke somehow got connected with a couple in their fifties who raised cattle and potatoes. They were Christian Reformed and Dutch as windmills. They loved Jesus and loved Luke. On weekends he worked at their ranch, running farm equipment. They fed him every Sunday afternoon and counseled him hour upon hour. They became his mom and dad. For all this, Luke made no discernable progress in his search for peace with God. Nothing we said made sense.
He was in and out of the hospital. How much time did he have? Would one of us be there at the right time for him, if and when such a time arrived?

The more disabled Luke became, the angrier he became. He said if God wouldn't heal him, he wanted nothing to do with God. But he couldn't stop talking about his need for resolution. When we met, I never had to raise the subject. Luke brought up God. He couldn't solve his spiritual problem, and he couldn't stop caring about it.

In some ways, his anger and fear were reasonable. The sicker he got, the more certain he became of what he had claimed all along; he did not know God and he was not saved. I agreed. And so did the Dutch couple.

But his fear could not save him; nor could we. As I took long walks praying for him, I faced the fact that Luke might never make the final commitment that makes all the difference. I felt helpless—but not hopeless.

His inability to close with Christ seemed less powerful than his inability to stop desiring divine closure.A Christmas breakDuring the fourth week of Advent, Luke entered the hospital for the last time. I felt sad for him on Christmas, so I drove to the hospital in the middle of the day. I entered the room and said hello, but he did not respond. He was watching his beloved Lakers play Christmas Day basketball.

I tried, intermittently, to make conversation, but he refused to acknowledge my presence. So I shut up, watched the game with him for a while, and left without a goodbye.

After the new year, Luke's health fell off a cliff. He lost pounds daily. They moved him to a hospice room. The young woman in church stayed with him hours at a time, caring for his bodily needs and kissing him. I kept showing up, with little to offer.

One of those days, I walked into the room and Luke looked up from his bed and said, "Okay, I'm ready, what do I have to do?"

"What?" I said incredulously.

"What do I have to do to get right with God?" he reiterated.

"You need to confess your sins and accept Jesus. Do you want to do that now?"

"Yep, I'm ready," he said confidently. So we closed our eyes, I prayed a sinner's prayer, and he repeated it. When I opened my eyes, his arms lay crossed on his chest, his eyes were still closed, and he sighed deeply and peacefully.

He opened his eyes: "I've got it now." And that was it. His anger was gone and he died a few days later.

For Luke's funeral his mother traveled from California. Her relationship with Luke had been so painfully strained for so many years that she had been unable to bear coming earlier. She was a kind lady, a widow, and devout in Christian faith. She loved Luke but had long ago accepted their estrangement. She told me their story.

"My husband and I adopted Luke," she said. "In the early 1960's my husband was a lawyer in the entertainment industry. We became good friends with the cast of the Tennessee Ernie Ford show, one couple in particular. She was a dancer. She became pregnant but didn't want the baby. So we agreed to adopt the child. Looking back, I realize that Luke's mother was an alcoholic. We had no idea at the time, but Luke had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

"Even as a small boy, Luke had a horrific temper. As he grew up, he never developed impulse control. Athletics got him through high school. After that he was a lost soul, unable to hold a job or sustain relationships. He took drugs, slept around, moved here and there. He showed up to ask for money. At first we tried to help him, but nothing was ever enough, so finally I had to cut him off."

Her husband had died of cancer, she said, and another adopted son had died of AIDS from homosexual contact.

I always walk away from funerals feeling a little numb; this one stunned me. All along, I'd wondered why Luke couldn't get his act together, why the spiritual breakthrough took so long.
Now I realized that Luke's brain, profoundly compromised in the womb, shackled him in many ways—including, perhaps, from all hope of realizing any of his dreams, except for ultimate peace with God. What took so long? Luke's disability did not excuse his behavior. But it certainly explained why it took him so long to come to terms with grace. The holes in Luke's brain did not prevent him from feeling guilt. But he had unusual difficulty making commitments on any level, with another human being or with God. He had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. As perhaps did Tom Dooley. Both of them fit the profile.

The Scriptures provide us with moral standards for living, which represent God's holiness and our very life. In our ministries we rightly call people to conform to these standards, and we offer God's forgiveness and setting-right for new life in Christ. But how long is it supposed to take for these things to happen in any particular person's life? A moral absolute takes up no time or space. But all real human repentance, inspired by the Word and empowered by the Spirit, takes time.

We can read the Ten Commandments in a minute. But they don't come with performance timeframes like, say, the time allotted for a brake job. Today even medicine operates with time parameters for hospital stays and therapies.

Likewise, we want people to repent in what we consider a reasonable amount of time. But one of the great gifts of love we can offer people is the gift of time to repent in the context of their actual life, which includes abilities, disabilities, reasons, and problems we often know nothing about. Giving people time to repent is not the same as condoning sin, nor is it the same as lowering our standards to a level we think they can reach.

I never let up on Luke, but I never gave up on him. I never lowered the bar, but I never lowered the boom. Many times before an appointment, I rehearsed little speeches about how, until he changed his life, I did not want to see him again. I never used them.

Then again, Luke was never a member of our church, never held office. Giving time to brothers and sisters—especially those in leadership—can be more difficult. In many ways, the Scriptures are toughest on believers. John Calvin said, "No discipline, no church."

I believe that. I've asked people to leave churches, and I've asked church officers and teachers to step down. But most of us tend to be stricter with people we don't like and more patient with those we love.

That's partly what made my relationship with Luke so challenging. I felt compassion for him, but I didn't like him. Unless he was in the hospital, I never called on him. I didn't know where he lived until the last month of his life. Then again, he never told me. Perhaps because his relationships were so confused, he needed a relationship with someone without the threat of more confusion. I could offer him that. When he accepted Christ, it wasn't to please me. Nor had I arrived that day to please him. Our only bond was Divine Insistence.

In every case, before we pull the trigger on a relationship too quickly, we should recall how much time Jesus gave to people, particularly to his disciples: to those he loved and to the one who betrayed him. Jesus cut to the quick without cutting off. That is the gift of time. He gives us the gift of time because he knows how we are formed; he knows that we are dust, compromised by sins preceding our birth. Our slate is cracked and our chalk is soft.

If Moses had been slow to anger, God would not have had to etch the tablets twice. I'm sure I could not face knowing how many times my impatience has impeded God writing the commandments on people's hearts. I know this: my greatest failures as a pastor come when I forget how much I resist his engraving; and my greatest successes flow from giving to others the gift of time he gives to me.

David Hansen is pastor of Kenwood Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Plucked from

Monday, April 03, 2006

Ships and People

Some where around 1976 I came across a poster that had a picture of a Tall Ship sailing out from land. It seemed to be heading out into an open sea - away from shore. The message written across the poster's bottom section was one that grabbed my attention and made me buy it. The words read, "A ship in a harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are made for."

In my own journey I was making important decisions further along life's road. We had completed a wonderful time of ministry in Walkerton, Ontario with an amazing congregation. God had blessed in so many ways and had opened so many doors. Our little church had opened its heart and resources to the community. We had been given opportunities to reach out to people that had never been contacted before. Personally I had been brought into places and situations with community people that former ministers in my position had never been in contact with. God was opening new doors.

Through a series of events I had come to know the Mayor, the Police Chief, a number of business leaders and many people that loved their community. I came in contact with dozens of other ministers in the community at the ministerial level as well. It was a bit shocking for me to find out that I was the first Pentecostal Minister to ever attend the ministerial. The Mayor and Police Chief knew about the little and old church that our congregation was housed in - but knew none of the people.

These very full years in Walkerton had lead me into unusual things. Among them were the opportunity to become a "mid wife" to hurds of cattle when my farmer friends needed some one to pull calves. By the second year I became the president of the Ministerial that other Pentecostals would have little to do with. In unique series of events God opened doors for me to minister in the Walkerton Jail - two blocks from our church and house. That contact opened another door for me to take steps to become a Riot and Hostage Negotiator for the Ontario Government - a volunteer position that required training and a love for people (I thank the Lord I never had to act in this capacity). Finally - an opportunity came to produce the art work for the first book that I was to be involved with - "Easy as 1,2,3".

There are so many opportunities that flooded our lives. It may all come out some day in a brand new book.

In 1976 as I began to sense the new stirring in my heart and life I had little idea what God would have next for me. I was slowly realizing that I was a ship - and safe harbours were not for me - I did best on the open ocean, with a good wind blowing, the sails full and straining at the mast and rigging, the deck being wet with the sea crashing across the bow, the cargo hold full, with every piece of wood in the vessel creaking, and the captain at the wheel looking intently at the horizon. The ship was going somewhere and everything about it had a purpose.

I pause here to say that in a small town in middle Ontario, with pretty much everything the way it always is, it is hard to believe that much is ever going to change or take place. It was an old community that had always done it a certain way - thank you very much. Outsiders like me were an interesting oddity. One dear person in a comforting tone one day said, "Pastor, you will never really become one of them until you have someone from your family buried in the grave yard." That "would be comforting statement", to help me ease by a tough situation, did more for me to make sure that the rigging on my ship was in good shape - open seas were ahead.

Before this posting becomes forever... I want to say that this old ship that God gave me has travelled many oceans. Together with God as the pilot of my vessel we have seen and done things that others can only dream about. I have crossed oceans and have delivered cargo in ports that are impossible to get to by ordinary people. But that is just it - with God involved and being involved with him - nothing is ordinary. Everything is possible in an impossible world.

The best part I can share today is, as this old boat at 62 years of age next week, continues on its journey, the best is yet to come. I am looking forward to the exciting journey that God has prepared this week, this month, and this year. I know that nothing is impossible and that there is no edge of the earth - there are only new opportunities.

This morning early I can feel the breeze coming up, I hear the sound of the sails beginning to rustle and the sense of new movement of the boat to new opportunity.

"Thank you Lord, for the wonderful opportunity to set sail into this week and see the “new” of each day of wonder."