So What's New?
I am not really shocked at what I read this morning regarding families in Canada. It was in Canada’s Globe and Mail (reference below). Families are changing in their numbers and in their make up. According to the ‘Statscan’ info released it has become today’s news item.
Some of the stats quoted/noted say…(you need to read the whole article and stats offered…)
By the numbers
- 8.1 Percentage of the adult population that is divorced. Twenty years ago, the figure was only 3.5 per cent.
- 9.4 Percentage of children under the age of 5 whose mothers are in their 40s. Women are delaying childbirth more than ever before.
- 19.9 Percentage of lone-parent families headed by men. While women still lead most families with one parent, the number of Mr. Moms is increasing as a result of more joint custody arrangements.
- 24.4 Percentage of men 80 or older who live alone; for women in the same cohort, it's 54.5 per cent.
- 66.8 Proportion of households in Stanley, Man., that are made up of couples with children - the location with the highest proportion in Canada. Stanley, which has a large Mennonite community, also has the country's lowest proportion of lone-parent families.
- 77.1 Growth rate over the past five years in the number of people 60 to 64 who are living in common-law relationships.
(Canadian Press - source)
One notable area - Young adults living at home
Across Canada the percentage of Young Adults living at home have increased from 41.1% in 2001 to 43.5% in 2006. And that has been true in every city noted in the Stats Can report. More “older children” are staying at home – or moving back into home – instead of getting their own places. In other words if that has happened in your family – you folks are pretty well normal.
As I pastor people… listening to them and encouraging them it is difficult to find the right “advice” at times.
What I have viewed is an increase in “family discomfort”. I have watched a number of new cases of Elder Abuse – Older Adult Abuse in families that you would never have suspected it to appear.
Much of what is happening seems to take place when the “young adult” – or the “adult son or daughter” moves back in to their parent’s home. In certain cases the “adult child’s” marriage has failed, or they have lost their employment – and the financial conditions of this “adult child” has radically changed. Then the resources of the ‘Parent’ become an issue to guard… or source for support – depending which one you are.
The old days of everything being ‘cool/good’ in families has gone. Families are under pressure as never before. That is true whether they are older families or young families. The family breakdown is happening on all sides – stressors and pressures are almost insurmountable.
What is the answer? If I had a quick one on this question – I would likely be writing a good book and providing everyone with five easy steps – to help me make a million.
One area of concern is, that for the most part, our Canadian Morality has slipped or been given up. No there is still a standard that we tend to think we live by… but the morality standard has slipped. Things that our grandparents would have never thought of doing – are now common place in the new society. Things that our grandparents would never done we do regularly. Stuff happens and things change.
But with the great changes and things happening – we have lost control generally. Now there are less “moral absolutes” than ever before.
Someone made a tremendous statement today that I completely agree with. The persona said, “The children will follow our footsteps not our fingers.”
WOW! Now that person has it wrapped up in one small statement… and two small words that describe it all… Feet & Finger. The kids will live like we live. They mimic everything we do so easily. When they see moral absolutes they will make choices to do the same. When they see everyone casting off the moral absolutes and releasing ourselves of all moral fiber – well Guess what…? They will likely be the same.
NO I don’t want it the same as the old days!
I don’t want a strange legalism that forces people against their will to do this or that. I do however think that a “Great Example” will be powerful and have so much influence that the next generation will definitely continue to do the same.
Some of our parents and grandparents did blow it. They were so busy wagging fingers that they blew it with us. Some of their footsteps didn’t match what they were saying.
But not all parents and grandparents were that way. Some gave solid examples to live by.
I ask the question, “So what is new?” Not much – we still are the same. How about making a radical decision to make it radically different? Why not buck the system and status quo? Why not take a new turn and decided to live a “good moral fiber” way?
I saw a T Shirt Yesterday that kind of blew me away. Remember when I publish this photo – I am a pastor that has had to mess with the work that the old devil has been involved with – over and over again.Here is it to consider.
Well what do you think? Funny? Yah – I agree… that is why I shot the photo. But seriously – it is all too true. It is actually summing up much more about society than we care to admit. It shouts to me… “Hey, Moral Absolutes are so out dated… God and all that stuff that had a plan for you is not there… let me help you…”
I am standing up in my creaky old way and saying – enough! I am suggesting that a Moral Absolute is not bad. It will guide us to something better – instead of something worse.
Now I am not suggesting that a Church Absolute is what’s good. Some of what it has offered by the way and example that its people live – is plain stupid! Before you jump all over me on that one… please note the word “Some..”. It is not all people.
I have found some very spiritual people that do not attend a church. I have found that their spirituality has been on display by the life they live with a high Moral Absolute. I appreciated these folk – and many that are this way will never darken the door of our churches.
My question to you is… ‘What standard and guide do you live by?’
My suggestion is – that if you are finding a hard time to living what you have chosen to live by – why not ask God for some help to live better? For me – that was the time that I asked God for help. I had chosen to do anything but the higher road… and it got me into trouble. Now I live differently – completely.
Starting a revolution of right stuff… how about you?
~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~
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