Does God Take Gift Cards?
Recently I was treated to a unique opportunity of attending his 13th Birthday Party with most of his friends and some of their dads. It was a “man thing” – kind of a special day of initiation to manhood. After school on a Thursday night we travelled to Marmora, a town to the east of our city, to take part in a Paint Ball War.
The expression “Paint Ball War” is mine and needs some explanation. Growing boys and men are given a compressed air driven Paint Ball Gun loaded with hundreds of gelatine covered, hard, round and coloured paint capsules – each is ¾ inch in diameter. Aiming this “gun” at some one and pulling the trigger will eject a ball at 200 feet per second. The target is of course another person - your friend!
I am sure that your first question must be something to do with pain. Yes it hurts when you are hit. It is equivalent to someone using two knuckles on their hand and then hitting you solidly on an unsuspecting muscle. If you can also call it a “Pain Ball War” – it hurts and it leaves welts.
“Soldiers” in this Paint Ball War wear layers of old clothes that protect their bodies from the impact of a shot. Added to these layers is a face helmet that allows easy breathing and all round good eye protection. There is a throat shield as well as a chest and back protection. The rest of the body is not protected other than with the layers of cloth.
At the end of the evening the guys all gathered around a picnic table to enjoy hot dogs and pop. Along with the food is the laughter and bragging of who was hit the most. The gales of boy laughter and the bragging was a delight to hear. The Big Boys and the Smaller Boys all mixed to a bounding moment.I can’t really find the right words to tell you what it was really like. You would have to have been there. There is a video link at the end of this posting that will take you to “YouTube” where his Paint Ball War Party has been uploaded.
13 year old boys are amazing to watch.
I remember what it was like. The years are formative. The fact that so much influences them tells you that they are extremely teachable. But they are also becoming opinionated and strong willed. They may not yet have the best judgement yet.
13 year old boys will listen to coaches on Baseball Teams. They listen to coaches on Football Teams as well…but maybe not so much to their mothers and dads.
At this point it is where my story of Clifford turns.
At the party Clifford’s friends gave him their cards and gifts. It was amazing to watch him be poured upon by his friends. Each card had a gift of money or an actual “gift card” inside. The gift cards could be used in a store to buy what you want later. The total blessing of this Birthday Party was $200 total. Clifford was rich! (My how things changed in 51 years – that didn’t happen at my 13th B-Day!)
Clifford’s mom and dad believe in giving back to their community from whatever they receive. Simply put – they believe in a Tithe. They Tithe on their time and their money. For those who do not understand the term “Tithe” – it means to give 10% away.
In Clifford’s parents case they give at least 10% of their money to our church. I can’t tell you how much that is – but I can tell you that it is a great blessing to the church.
They are teaching their children the most important thing in their lives at this time – “Tithing”.
“Tithing” on $5.00 is a good mathematical exercise for a child. And taking 50 Cents of $5.00 is not hard.
Taking a Tithe of $200 is not only a mathematical challenge of separating out the $20 but it is a moral issue. From deep within it challenges is the basic greed and desire to keep what you have! 50 Cents was easy - $20 is impossible.
Clifford’s mom and dad listened and watched as he made his mind up about what he would do. It took some time…I think over a week of struggling with the idea.Last week Clifford emerged from his room with a newly found solution to his Tithing problem. The solution was brilliant from anyone’s point of view…almost. It was logical question that Clifford asked. Listen closely… his words were… “Does God take Gifts Cards?”
As his dad and mom told me the story they described the feelings of suppressing their gales of laughter as he asked his question.
Clifford was earnest and honest with his question. It was formed in the heart of a newly minted 13 year old that was struggling with his new life issues of giving himself away…and even some of his birthday gift. He is making the life turning point questions now. And this perhaps is the greatest one ever. The question was not about his money or his Tithe – it was all about being selfless – or another way to put it – unselfish.
If you know boys…it is not easy for them to give their stuff away. Even as a 64 year old boy I find this hard to do.
Unselfish boys that have learned to give themselves away become Great Husbands and Great Dads….because that is what those jobs are all about.
Let me put this another way. Men that have learned early to give away themselves away are amazing employees and super community members. They are the guys that earn trophies and gain awards by the bundles. They are the coaches of all the teams and support for their own kids. They are at events whether rain or shine. They stick through changes in their family’s life. They are there when their wife needs them the most. They are amazing!
I am far too long with this posting…but you see Clifford has impressed me deeply. He has shown me my own struggles all over again. And I need him to know – Grandpa Lincoln had the same problems that you do. But when I learned that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive my life changed completely.
Now can I ask you as the reader of this long post something important? Would you please fine someone or some group to bless? Then when you find them give something important to you away.
Have a Great Giving Day – a GGD! May God bless you richly!
~ Pastor Murray Lincoln ~
Special Note: This is number 600 post in this Blog! It is one of my places I have learned to give it all away!
YouTube posting
Clifford’s 13th Birthday Party – Paint Ball War
2Corinthians 9:7 God says that if we give the first fruits to Him, we will be aligned properly to where we will be seated directly beneath His window of blessings!
We should choose to give thanks to God by sharing what God has already given us, with God Himself!
I want to emphasize the point that by offering God a gift card, Clifford was not giving the first fruits to Him. He has a Future Shop gift card for $20 that he wanted to give to the Lord. Clifford has no use for it, but technically it's worth $20. Now, maybe God can gift cards. But the point is that God gave us his very best, we should do likewise, and give our best back to Him. Clifford agreed and gave $20 in cash. I'm very proud of my boy.
Anonymous, at 7:03 PM
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