Murray Lincoln's Desk - # 2 Now See -

Monday, May 29, 2006

Testimony of Rev. Danny Blackwell - The Sarnia Revival Attendance

This weekend afforded us an opportunity to go andvisit Bethel Temple in Sarnia and see for ourselves just what is happening!

Arriving at the church we found an exuberance and aspring in the step of the people we met…The servicebegan with someone giving background of what has beenhappening at the church and how they are handling logistics like childcare. {They asked that each parent be responsible for their own children and that they would like all children to sit in the services and experience the presence of the Lord. They also asked that any visiting pastors allow their own people wearing white badges to pray for people.}

They spent time telling of miraculous healings which have been taking place every night and they invited several to the platform to testify in their own words. They were careful to explain how many of these healings were verified by doctors. This part of the evening took awhile and then they called up the worship team who led in worship, calling people to feel free to come forward and soak in the presence ofthe Lord, which we could really sense throughout this whole time. It was simply amazing! A lot of the music reflected a call for revival and a plea for more ofthe Presence of the Lord. People worshipped all overthe building from the front to the back and there was a truly awesome sense of the Presence of the Lord. The Lord spoke into our hearts, as we worshipped telling us of areas that need to be given over to His control… areas that we have been clinging on to which have been hindering the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Our hearts were being prepared to receive fromHim.

One of the things that I felt was this: I was born in Sarnia and it is like the Lord said to him ‘I am birthing a new thing in you’. They called people to come forward for healing and there were people touched right as we watched. Some had been experiencing ongoing healings night afternight as they continued to attend the services. This truly felt like a revival atmosphere.These meetings have been going on since Mar 29t nightly. I would love to go again…

Rev. Danny Blackwell


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