Murray Lincoln's Desk - # 2 Now See -

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hervey and Helen Shank - February 28

My wife and I just returned from a visit with Hervey this evening. He was sitting propped up in his bed. Helen had just gone home for the evening.

Speaking slowly Hervey said, "Murray I just want to go home." As we spoke together I talked of the wonder of what we will see when we get there. Hervey has spoken before about how beautiful he felt it will be. Both of us, as men that love to create and paint the creation here, hope that God will allow us to do so on the other side. It is our personal dream. But who will ever want to do that when it is eternal and the beauty of our Master will encompass it all?

I told Hervey that maybe tonight, as he goes to sleep, he will simply wake up in heaven with the Lord. His reply, "Murray I want that so much."

We did not stay long as it is a struggle to talk too much. I told Hervey that we were going to pray one more time together. He stopped me and said, "Say that part again..." 'One more time..' 'One more time..'. We said it over again. These simple words caught his thoughts tonight. As we walked out of his room - he was saying it over and over.

Please pray, that as Hervey falls asleep, he will wake up on the other side.... walking with our Saviour.

Earlier today I spoke with Helen. She told me that they have assisted Hervey with a special pump to help with the pain. It has helped him to sleep better and also more.

Pastor Murray


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